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It's Time to Stop Feeling Mediocre

It's Time to Stop Feeling Mediocre

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I hope everyone enjoyed a relaxing Thanksgiving break with family and friends.

I'm 100% blown away by how amazing YOU already are!

Here’s what I’m hearing though over and over again from my local and global workshop attendees... as well as those applying for my monthly subscription:

Despite all the amazing things they are doing... “I feel mediocre.”

I hear you.

I’ve felt that way too.

If we work extra hard, we feel like we are mediocre with our loved ones and friends. If we commit to our family, our career ambitions might slow down. Here’s the worst: We work extra hard at both, and still feel like we are coming up short:(.

I'd like to share three valuable tips to STOP feeling mediocre and get onto feeling (as Jen Sincero of You are a Badass so eloquently puts it) like your badass self at work AND at home.

  1. Create your circumstances and the person...
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Are You Ready?

(Scroll to the bottom to view the video.)

I want 2019 to be different for you. It’s time to take control of what you want, plan for it, and make clear and measurable progress. Period. Here’s the thing. The planning and foundation starts now (not in January.)

It’s been proven in science that there are a couple things we must do to make clear and measurable progress towards what we want, so I created the 7 Day Mental Toughness Challenge. I teach it to world-class athletes, teens, senior leaders, and CEO’s of the household, so they can dream, plan and achieve their best. Now, it’s YOUR turn! What if you have already completed it? No problem. Let’s do it again to help you next-level whatever is important to you. 

Just download your FREE 7 Day Mental Toughness Challenge, and we are off to the races!

Day 1 is "One Person":
We have spoken about accountability recently, but who will be your challenge partner and why will this person be a great...

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How NOT to Feel Mediocre at Work and/or at Home

How NOT to Feel Mediocre at Work and/or at Home

(Scroll below to view the video)

I recently led a workshop for 15 brilliant men and women. Total transparency, the room was a downright intimidating group of mainly female senior engineering, technology, and mathematics influencers. Despite some pre-game jitters for me, the workshop was engaging, impactful, and even fun!

The topic was: How to Speak Up and Use Unconscious Bias to Your Advantage, and we spent our time specifically on Emotional Control and Influence.

Their #1 Challenge: How not to feel mediocre at work and/or at home.

Due in part to unconscious bias and part to being a minority (either women or men who are atypical of being STEM leaders) in their field, these mostly PhD’s who were published, departments heads, and changing the world for the better, felt mediocre at work AND at home.

Here are a few tips to help you be and feel like you are world-class in your career and at home.

  1. Gain clarity...
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Video Testimonial: Christina Now Has The Clarity And Confidence To Go For It!

Christina Now Has The Clarity And Confidence To Go For It!

(Scroll below to view the video)

Does lack of clarity and/or confidence ever hold you back?

Christina Grenier, a senior-level marketing/communications strategist, shares her experience about working with me to gain the clarity and confidence to go after her next big career dream. 

Watch Christina's video below, and email me back if you can relate or want to share your story.


I wanted to send you a private invitation to join my upcoming LIVE! (yay!) "7 Day Mental Toughness Challenge." I will be coaching you through the challenge for a full 7 straight days on my Facebook page (... so be sure to "Like" the page too.)

Why am I SO excited?!

Because at the end of these 7 days you will have made progress. You'll prove to yourself that ... although the struggle is real ... there is a structure to gain the clarity and confidence you need to dream, plan...

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The One Thing That Might Be Holding You Back

The One Thing That Might Be Holding You Back

(Scroll below to view the video)

Have you ever felt like you wanted something, but maybe you weren’t good enough?

Not smart enough... or not capable enough... or not courageous enough to speak up and take consistent action towards what you wanted and deserved?

Sometimes there are life experiences that define us until we look them in the face and learn the tools to use them to our advantage... and not to our detriment. Until then, we may not be living up to our potential and the joy that comes along with doing our best.

That certainly was me...

When I was 9 and in the fourth grade, I sat between my parents during a meeting with the ‘headmaster’ (principal) of the competitive private school I attended in Oakland, California. I remember being curious why I had to participate in this meeting, and what I had done. Usually when parents have to go to school, it’s not good news. Strange I thought, because I was an...

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Make Consistent Progress: 4 Tips to Choose and Work with an Accountability Buddy

Make Consistent Progress: 4 Tips to Choose and Work with an Accountability Buddy

(Scroll below to view the video)

World-class athletes and business professionals do not achieve and maintain greatness alone, and neither can you. Accountability is one way you can set yourself up for consistent progress on your march towards your Olympics.

So how do you choose the right peer, friend, or colleague as an accountability buddy?

Well, they should be:

  • More experienced than you (ideally)
  • Have your best interests at heart
  • Not in competition with you in any way
  • Not threatened by you                               

It’s also important to take care of some housekeeping early on. Here are four important things to discuss prior to getting started with an accountability buddy:

  1. Be explicit about what is important to you, what you are committed to doing, and what help you are hoping for. If you ask someone and...
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Sneak Peek: An Exercise From My Upcoming Book "ZONED-IN: The Mental Toughness Required for a World-Class YOU"

Sneak Peek!

An Exercise From My Upcoming Book "ZONED-IN: The Mental Toughness Required  for a World-Class YOU"

(Scroll below to view the video)

I am SO excited to share a sneak peek from my upcoming book, "ZONED IN: The Mental Toughness Required for a World-Class YOU!"

The content of the book was inspired in part by your questions, input, struggles and triumphs. My intention for ZONED IN is to be a mindset guide, manifesto and call to action, so it empowers you to take even more consistent bold action towards whatever is most important right now (your personal Olympics.)

The book starts with an exercise in reflection using the "Ambition Checkpoint Questionnaire."

Email me what you think. I welcome all comments or questions. 


Celebrate! Celebrate the process and the commitment of learning how to refine your clarity, believe in your ambitions, and use your thoughts and emotions in a way that will champion your momentum...

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Are You At An Ambition Checkpoint?

"Are You At An Ambition Checkpoint?"

I had a conversation with one of my oldest and dearest friends recently that at first struck me as odd. She asked, "Do you ever feel like a plastic bag, drifting through the wind wanting to start again...?" I recognized that was the opening lyrics to Katy Perry’s song Firework. She was off. Not her present, fun, happy, and courageous self. It was strange, because she’s so accomplished. She had raised happy, productive, and conscientious kids. She worked doing what she loved. She had a few half-marathons under her belt, and she had a loving family and friends. After many conversations, I finally understood.

She was at an ambition checkpoint.

Her kids needed her less, and she felt like there was more of her to give to her career. More people to serve and a legacy to create. It was inaction that made her feel she was off-purpose... like a plastic bag drifting through the wind. She was being blown around by her days, by her old routine,...

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The Contribution (and Cost) of Inaction

"The Contribution (and Cost) of Inaction"

My dad used to always say "There are no guarantees except death and taxes."

Growing up, that saying made no sense, but now it does. When world-class athletes set their sights on the Olympics, there are no guarantees they will make it... none the less win a gold medal.

I’ve had the opportunity to ask Olympic hopefuls and former Olympians what it was like the moment they decided to go for it. To go "all in."

All of them said essentially the same thing.

"It was like tunnel vision."

"I decided, and there was no turning back."

They had zero excuses on their quest to be the best. What about us on our quest to be our best?

Maybe you have reached a personal Olympics or maybe you have not. Before effectively moving forward, it’s time to gain an important perspective and peace on past inaction.

If you are like most people (me included), you have started and stopped something important to you. Something that you knew would complete you....

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What Happens When Smart People Think Stupid

"What Happens When Smart People Think Stupid"

Is it possible that you have everything it takes to achieve what you yearn for and what, I believe, is already rightfully yours? Maybe the reason why you have not achieved the level of success you want and deserve is because of the limitations you place on yourself.

I know that was the case for me up until three years ago. How could I go from having a thriving yet (very) small private practice to helping thousands? To help the masses refine their clarity and gain the mindset required to reach their potential, to arrive at their Olympics? Who would listen to me and find value in what I had to say at Fortune 500 companies in San Francisco, Silicon Valley and globally? I consider myself as a relatively smart person, but that was sure stupid thinking.

Companies like Google Ventures, Autodesk, CapitalOne, Bank of America, and VMware (to name a few) have listened the last couple of years. Up next, a national podcast tour for my upcoming...

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Before You Leave, Have You Joined the Waitlist on My New Book Fearless Female Leadership?

Get Exclusive Early Access Bonuses:

  • Get a "Sneak Peek" with a digital version of Chapter 1
  • View a digital lesson of the Fearless Female Leadership Enterprise Journey Edition
  • Gain early access to book exclusive training events during International Day of the Woman
  • Receive volume book purchase discounts

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