"Self-centered negative emotions and egoic behavior are like poison in a well. If they are not transformed, contained, or eliminated, they’ll contaminate the purest water.”
- Sheryl Kline
Do you want the good news or bad news first?
Let’s go with the bad and get it over with!
You may have a counterpart that’s a challenging personality type. Unless he is willing to do the work (ie: with a licensed therapist, NLP practitioner, or other licensed professional), he is not likely to change. Cognitive processing and behavior are strongly influenced from long ago, likely in childhood, and how we are treated by influential people in our life.
The good news…
You can follow a proven process to lower a colleague’s (or a family member’s) emotional state, by making him feel heard, cared for, and in control. This in turn puts you in a position to de-escalate a conversation, make it less emotionally charged, and for you to take your power back to influence the...
In case you missed my LIVE interview with the remarkable Nathalie Gauthier (Vice President, Talent Marketplace and DE&I Advocate at State Street), here are a few of the wisdom gems she shared:
To be notified for future interviews be sure to connect with me here on LinkedIn AND to learn more about how to build the mindset and influence for real change, join our community at www.SherylKline.com.
Download a transcript of Sheryl's interview with Nathalie Gauthier.
(Please watch the video above, or click the green arrow...
In case you missed my LIVE interview with the phenomenal Natalie Singh (Enterprise Channel Director, Microsoft ), here are a few of the wisdom gems she shared
To be notified for future interviews be sure to connect with me here on LinkedIn AND to learn more about how to build the mindset...
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Often times growth, progress and change require risk.
When an Olympic hopeful in equestrian show-jumping decides to play all out, she may decide to cut inside a jump to shave off precious time from the clock rather than choose a safer route to allow more time to get her horse balanced and straight.
If she plays all out, she takes a big risk.
Her horse may not be as able to clear the fence therefore taking down a rail and incur 4 or more faults. This would likely knock her out of qualifying for the Olympic team.
Growing and progressing in her sport will require her to take these types of risks.
The reward? Clearing the jump and proving that her sex, age and experience are good enough to contribute to the Olympic team, therefore creating a ripple effect, inspiring other young riders to work hard and take strategic chances as well.
Being a courageous ally requires risk as well.
(Scroll below to view the video)
Tiffany has a very important meeting coming that will determine funding for an impactful project. Last quarter when she was presenting her data and making an argument for buy-in, she was challenged. Tiffany was told that her numbers didn’t add up, and there was no clear argument for receiving funding. She was angry that she had no support in the meeting and also fearful that she was losing credibility. This anger and fear disabled her ability to pause, regroup and then better influence her colleagues.
The result?
No funding, and a lot of frustration and disappointment.
With coaching, here’s how Tiffany learned to prepare her mind and make sure emotions didn’t get in the way of her expertise the next time she had to show up and deliver.
(Scroll to the bottom to view the video.)
Emotions are no joke when it comes to us being able to be our best, especially in moments that matter most. Everyone experiences negative emotions from time to time!
I want to help you use negative emotions as a superpower!
There are a couple things that world-class performers do a little differently which helps them to use emotions (even the negative ones!) to their advantage. In this week's video you'll learn:
1.) The (very) basic science behind why managing emotions is SO important, and what this means to you
2.) The consequences of not having a game plan to deal with negative emotions
3.) The 3 simple steps you can start doing today to help you go from rattled to ready
I am here to support you every step along the way, so let’s do this!
Join Me for FREE Mental Toughness...
(Scroll to the bottom to view the video.)
Fear could save your life. When it comes to high performance in a critical moment though, fear can be problematic if not managed properly. Fear of failure may stand in the way of getting started or encourage you to quit. Fear is also distracting. It can take you from the present moment back to a past failure or into a future irrational thought (i.e. ‘This is never going to work out’). Fear is normal in many cases but needs to be managed properly to encourage you to perform your best especially when it matters most. It’s even common for world-class performers to experience fear as well. The difference is they have the (learned) skills to manage their fear and deal with it at a time that is appropriate, not when they need to shine.
Let’s take it...
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