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Time for a Mid-Year Course Correction?

clarity mid-year Jun 15, 2021

Time for a Mid-Year Course Correction?

If you feel like you’re spinning, not in control of your days, your voice is not being heard, or you’re just not making the progress you want and deserve, we need to chat.

Your voice, contribution and leadership matter, a lot. In order for you to get the projects, promotions, recognition and respect you want and deserve, AND in a sustainable way, we’ll need to take a pause. Here is step #1 which are a few questions to ponder for a mid-year course correction, so you can finish the year strong, and happy.

Warning! These may not be easy.

Step #1: Gain Clarity

  • Am I in the right role, or do I need to make an exit plan?
  • Do I feel heard, valued and respected?
  • What would an ideal work day look like for me?
  • What’s one big (or small:) ask to make this happen?
  • What’s a micro-step I can take to make this happen?

You are a gift. 

A leader whose authentic, confident and compassionate voice needs to be heard, valued and...

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