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Need a Q3 Pause & Plan?

Need a Q3 Pause & Plan?

Do you ever use July as a time to pause, plan and possibly make a course correction for the remainder of the year?

Is it that time?

These are great to do every year to make sure you’re running in the right direction, running towards what matters most, and running in a way that you can sustain. 

It’s a great time to take an honest inventory of how the year has gone up to this point and giving deep thought to how you’d like it to finish. It’s a time to reflect and celebrate the ‘wins’ as well as a time to shine a light on where to be more bold, more courageous, and where to step up and serve at an even higher level.

It’s also a time to reflect on excuses and stories that are no longer of service, boundaries needed and the consistent action to take to make 2H 2021 the best possible. 

Whenever we are looking to shift or move to the next level (promotion, board seat, shifting direction in a role, shifting out...

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One World-Class Tool to Crush Negative Thoughts and Excuses

(Scroll to the bottom to view the video.)

Negative self-talk crushes confidence. Period.

One rabbit hole you don’t want to go down if you have an ambition that’s important to you.

If you want to crush negative thoughts AND excuses and then get busy with progress, here’s what you need to start practicing today: positive re-framing.

What is it?

A way of acknowledging the struggle you're having and then use it to your advantage.

How does it work?

It activates your RAS or your reticular activating system which is a part of your brain that controls and serves as a filter of sorts that only lets the important information through. Thinking about buying a certain type of new car and then that’s all you see on the road? That’s your RAS filtering out all the other cars that don’t matter to you.

Why is this important?

If you over emphasize negative thoughts and make excuses, that is what your RAS will think is important. Guess what? Negative thoughts will...

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