I never stop being impressed with this community. Despite a most unusual and challenging year, goodness, impact and momentum have prevailed. It is with sadness for all those who have suffered and also with gratitude for the purpose driven course-correction that has been demanded of all of us this year.
What will 2021 bring? YOU decide, and let’s make it happen.
What impact do you want to have?
How do you want to spend your days?
Whose lives do you want to touch?
What recognition would you like to receive?
How do you want to feel about your contribution, your energy, your freedom, your passion projects, your career, and your legacy?
You should know by now that I believe wholeheartedly, and I work with the scientists who have proven my quote to be true (namely Dr. Anders Ericsson, author of Peak)…
“You are only limited by what you think is possible.”
Here’s to reaching new heights and a happy and healthy...
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