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3 Key Learnings from Women in Cloud Summit 2019

3 Key Learnings from Women in Cloud Summit 2019

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I am so excited! I spent all day at the Women in Cloud Summit 2019 at Microsoft, learning from over 1,000 of the country’s top technologists and tech entrepreneurs and doing a book signing for ZONED IN.

Let’s talk about a couple of the things from the book that resonated most with these amazing women and which are important to all of us.

  1. The importance of long-term clarity:
    Not just your one-year goal, but your five-year goals. This has less to do with what tasks will you accomplish and more to do with how you want to be remembered or what legacy you want to create. Once this is dialed in (It can be hard to do, but there is a process to figure it out!), you have the platform to create the reality for yourself, your team or for you family.
  2. Discovering how you want to feel in your days:
    I shared tips, tools and habits how to take control of work-life balance, how to slow down...
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