Latest Blog Article: Leading in Times of Uncertainty with Stephanie Royal

From Dream to UN Podium: The Power of Persistence and Vision

Sometimes our gut and our heart speak to us and guide us towards something important that we’d like to accomplish.

Just a few years ago, 2019 to be exact, speaking at the United Nations was a far-fetched dream. I thought that if I could speak on behalf of Sustainable Development Goal #5, Gender Equality, I’d somehow be able to empower even more women to have a bigger voice and impact.  

There were all sorts of reasons why this dream made NO sense, why it was unlikely at best and why it was NOT likely to happen. But dreams have a funny way of becoming reality when you're committed to doing what it takes for ‘what’s next’.  Let's dive into how the journey unfolded and the actionable lessons you can apply to your own path.

Visualize Your Goals

In 2019, I set a goal in my speaking mastermind with Bo Eason. I wanted to contribute to Sustainable Development Goal #5: equality for women and girls. So, I drew a picture—husband,...

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