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Top 5 Lessons Learned in 2023: A Year of Empowerment for Female Leaders


As we prepare for the new year, it’s a great time for reflection and introspection. The year 2023 has been a remarkable journey, not just in terms of the challenges we faced but, more importantly, in the lessons we learned and the growth we experienced. This year has been a testament to our strength, adaptability, leadership, and resilience, particularly in the face of unprecedented challenges. It was a year that not only tested us but also highlighted our unique capabilities as women in leadership roles.

These insights have shaped our approach, honed our skills, and prepared us to lead with more conviction and impact. Here are the top five lessons that have been particularly resonant, each shaping our path toward a more empowered and influential future.

  • Embrace the Power of Dreams and Vision: This year has underscored the importance of dreaming big and aligning those dreams with our values and vision. As female leaders, we’ve seen the power of visualization and...
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NO Person Has the Right to Rain on Your Dreams โค๏ธ๐Ÿ…

clarity dreams new year Jan 14, 2021

NO Person Has the Right to Rain on Your Dreams

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, not sleeping well, dropping off your routine or your productivity is tanking... the good news is that you’re normal.

The not so good news is that you’re allowing your light to be dimmed. (Woo woo translation: your purpose-driven goodness that you are able to put into our family, your company and into the world is slowing down, and in some cases stopping all together.)

No bueno for you, your job security or those whom you influence.

You matter. A lot. Let’s make sure you understand how to manage your internal world, so you can keep contributing purposefully towards your dreams and feel joy along the way.

Whether it’s a person, pandemic, political climate/unrest/circus, intense period of social injustice, YOUR light must continue to shine. YOU must continue to make progress. YOU must influence and lead others to contribute at their...

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It's Time to Stop Feeling Mediocre

It's Time to Stop Feeling Mediocre

(Scroll below to view the video)

I hope everyone enjoyed a relaxing Thanksgiving break with family and friends.

I'm 100% blown away by how amazing YOU already are!

Here’s what I’m hearing though over and over again from my local and global workshop attendees... as well as those applying for my monthly subscription:

Despite all the amazing things they are doing... “I feel mediocre.”

I hear you.

I’ve felt that way too.

If we work extra hard, we feel like we are mediocre with our loved ones and friends. If we commit to our family, our career ambitions might slow down. Here’s the worst: We work extra hard at both, and still feel like we are coming up short:(.

I'd like to share three valuable tips to STOP feeling mediocre and get onto feeling (as Jen Sincero of You are a Badass so eloquently puts it) like your badass self at work AND at home.

  1. Create your circumstances and the person...
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Video Testimonial: Christina Now Has The Clarity And Confidence To Go For It!

Christina Now Has The Clarity And Confidence To Go For It!

(Scroll below to view the video)

Does lack of clarity and/or confidence ever hold you back?

Christina Grenier, a senior-level marketing/communications strategist, shares her experience about working with me to gain the clarity and confidence to go after her next big career dream. 

Watch Christina's video below, and email me back if you can relate or want to share your story.


I wanted to send you a private invitation to join my upcoming LIVE! (yay!) "7 Day Mental Toughness Challenge." I will be coaching you through the challenge for a full 7 straight days on my Facebook page (... so be sure to "Like" the page too.)

Why am I SO excited?!

Because at the end of these 7 days you will have made progress. You'll prove to yourself that ... although the struggle is real ... there is a structure to gain the clarity and confidence you need to dream, plan...

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Mental Toughness Secrets from 2X Olympian Mariya Koroleva

(Photo source: PAC 12 Networks and Stanford University Athletics. Scroll to the bottom to view the video interview.)

Have you ever been told that you will never improve, or you are not a good fit?

After the London 2012 Olympics, Mariya Koroleva thought she would be in serious consideration for the next Olympic team in 2016, but she was not. Mariya was told she was too old (at 23) and that she did not fit into the team that was being considered which would be much younger.

She had a choice: 1. Give up on a second Olympics 2. Go for it and train for another year with no guarantees of being placed on the team.

Mariya went for it.

She felt in her gut that the world had not seen the best of her, and she had not seen the best of herself. Mariya did not want to have any regrets. She’d commit to being "all in" for that year before the decision for the next Olympic team was made. Mariya felt that if she gave 100% and still did not make it, then she could be at peace that she gave her...

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1 World-Class Secret to Build Confidence Over the Long Haul

(Scroll to the bottom to view the video.)

I saw Serena Williams play an exhibition match in Los Angeles when she was only 11 or 12 years old. Looking back, I wonder if she realized that she would be the named best player in the open era and have earned more than 22 Grand Slam titles!  Not to mention all of her other unimaginably successful endorsements and businesses. Maybe not down to those exact details, but she did work every day believing her day would come, and believing it was possible.

It’s that unwavering belief in ourselves that allows us to dream big and persevere.

When it comes to our long-term objectives it’s important that we “proceed as if success is inevitable” (my favorite quote, BTW), hold on to our dream, and then relinquish control of the outcome. You, like Serena Williams early in her career, have little to no control of the scale of your future success. There are many unknowns:

  • What will the competition be like?
  • ...
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How to GAIN CLARITY for Your Next Big Move

(Scroll to the bottom to view the video.)

Sometimes our dreams and aspirations are a little mismatched with our efforts.

Full transparency... I was called out on this one by my mentor this past January. Don’t get me wrong I was working hard and extremely busy. There was something missing when it came to how I was approaching my next level of success. I had next-leveled my ambitions, but how I spent my time was the same. My ambitions were not aligned with the next level of success I wanted (and knew I deserved.) This worked for a while, but the next level would require me to "go pro."

Once I made the necessary adjustments and fine-tuned some key habits, that’s when the next level was attainable.

We’ve talked about where you fall on the ladder. But what are your current circumstances now, and what level of commitment are you willing to have?

  • Pro: You are actively taking action to become the person you want to be, and you are remarkably...
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3 Tips to Nail Your Next "Big Win"

(Scroll to the bottom to view the video.)

WOW! The year is flying by, and I am SO excited that you are part of this amazing community of action takers!

If you missed the live (global broadcast) Master Class last Thursday, stay tuned! The attendance and feedback was so incredible that we've schedule a NEW "Mental Toughness in the Workplace" webinar on March 8, 2018 at 10:00am PST! Reserve your spot today ... the 60-minute training session is absolutely FREE!

In the meantime, here are a few important points we covered ...

Are you ready to nail
your next "Big Win?"

Here’s the thing, sometimes dreaming and doing big things is hard ... really hard. So what sets the best apart from the rest, and how can we use these same tools to next-level what matters most?

Below are 3 tips to help you succeed:

  1. Get clear on what you want.
    I mean really define it. Lack of clarity is the death of productivity and progress, so it’s time to articulate what you want and WHY it...
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From โ€œNo Talentโ€ to 2X Olympian & Gold Medalist ... A Conversation with Leroy Dixon

Photo Source:

(Scroll to the bottom to view the video.)

What’s one thing we all have in common with world-class performers?

We all experience fear and doubt. These are two emotions that are felt at every level of performance, from novice to world-class. Striving for the next level and performing in moments that matter is scary, for everyone. There are also a couple fundamental differences that separates the best from the rest.

I was fortunate enough to interview Leroy Dixon recently, and he shared two of the most important factors that helped him go from “no talent” to 2X Olympian, gold medalist and (did I mention?) the 7th fastest man ever recorded in his event. Yes, Mr. Dixon has beaten Usain Bolt in his career as well. Maybe we are not going to be Olympians, but we CAN be world-class at what’s important to us. As a matter of fact, I believe we MUST. The army of do-gooders must prevail, so the time for us to level up is now.


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How NOT to Set Dumb Goals

(Scroll to the bottom to view the video.)

In 1976, Steve Wozniak suggested to Hewlett Packard (his employer at the time) the idea of creating a personal computer. He was rejected, so he and his friend Steve Jobs got to work themselves on their dream of individual creativity for each user.

Martin Luther King had a dream that someday we would all be equal.

When Michael Phelps was 7 years old, he had a dream that there were no limits on what he could achieve.

Did these world-class performers meet all of the criteria of S.M.A.R.T. goals (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, timely)? No. They dreamt big and worked every day like that dream was possible, even through massive setbacks and failures.

Here are a couple of reasons why YOU should dream big too:

1.)  Broad to Narrow:

When you dream big, are more optimistic, and shoot for the stars. You are more aware of opportunities that present themselves. This broad awareness may lead you to be more confident and throw your hat...

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Before You Leave, Have You Joined the Waitlist on My New Book Fearless Female Leadership?

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  • Get a "Sneak Peek" with a digital version of Chapter 1
  • View a digital lesson of the Fearless Female Leadership Enterprise Journey Edition
  • Gain early access to book exclusive training events during International Day of the Woman
  • Receive volume book purchase discounts

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