Latest Blog Article: The Importance of Women in Our Evolving Workplace - Interview with Katy Conway

4 Things to Avoid When Asking for What You're Worth


4 Things to Avoid When Asking for What You're Worth

Have you ever felt like (or had the facts) another colleague is being paid more for an equal or lesser role?

The good news is that you’re not alone. The bad news is that it can be very unfair, disrespectful, demotivating, and bad for business.

You may be thinking that this shouldn’t even be an issue, and that there should not be a discrepancy. Agreed 100%.

But, until pay transparency is more regulated and more systems are in place to manage this very real problem,  it may be time to speak up! If you already have, a few new tools could make all the difference for round 2.

Yes, it’s going to take time to get further down this road on pay equality, so it may be helpful to get comfortable (or I should say, confident and influential) about asking for what you are worth.

There is progress being made however for pay transparency and fairness, partially in thanks to pay transparency advocate and former Corporate VP,...

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Getting Overlooked for a New Title or Promotion?


Getting Overlooked for a New Title or Promotion?

As the world celebrates International Women’s Day today to honor women, their achievements, and their contributions, don’t you think that it’s time for swifter real change? While we’re up against hundreds of years of cultural indoctrinations, your voice matters now more than ever, and together we can shift cultures, companies, and course correct the world for the greater good. I’ve witnessed this transformation in individual female leaders, their teams, and in their entire companies... and it's powerful! 

As part of this Limitless Leader community, you and I are on target to empower 10,000 female leaders and emerging leaders to be heard, valued, and respected more... and to empower women to get the projects, promotions, titles, raises, and respect they want and deserve.

But, there is still much work to be done…

I’d like to dispel one myth that may resonate with you as it has with...

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3 Ways to Speak Up When You Know You Should

be heard speak up Sep 01, 2021

Ways to Speak Up When You Know You Should

I think it’s safe to say that most of us have found ourselves in this predicament. Clamming up when we know we should speak up. Maybe it’s an awkward situation. Maybe there is a lot at stake. Maybe it’s just easier not to say anything. Whether it’s in our living room or in the boardroom, your voice needs to be heard. Change for the better will require us all to speak up when our gut and our heart tell us to do so.

Easier said than done, right?

Yep, and we’re not alone.

A recent survey done by LeanIn and SurveyMonkey polled approximately 7,400 women and men in the workplace. While 80% of those polled considered themselves allies, less than half of the women (most notably women of color) say they have strong allies in the workplace.

Also, consider that it can be extremely difficult to ‘influence up’. In other words, share your perspective with senior leadership especially when there is a...

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Lessons Learned From Ursula Burns and Ann Mulcahy

courage power speak up Feb 10, 2021

Lessons Learned From Ursula Burns and Ann Mulcahy

Something extraordinary happened at Xerox between 2001 and 2009, prior to the only woman to woman CEO changing of the guard in a large Fortune 500 company. For almost a decade, Ann Mulcahy was a fierce ally and supporter of Ursula Burns, so there would be a smooth transition when Ursula became CEO in 2009. In Mulcahy’s HBR article How I Did It: Xerox’s Former CEO on Why Succession Shouldn’t Be a Horse Race, she was not threatened by the brilliant, outspoken, and power of Burns. Mulcahy recognized Burn’s strengths, challenged her to improve her weaknesses and championed her for almost a decade until Burns eventually replaced her as CEO. 

What can we learn from these two compassionate and powerful women, and how can we use this wisdom to empower more female leaders, emerging leaders and male allies, especially those who sit on the margins?

Quite a lot, but here are two important things to ponder and hopefully...

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Ever Regretted NOT Speaking Up?

Ever Regretted NOT Speaking Up?

(Scroll below to view the video)

Have you ever had a birthday come and go when you received nothing? No recognition, no card, no special dinner. Nothin'! That happened to me a while back, and it felt like I was invisible and no one cared. The reality was that the most important people in my life cared, but it somehow slipped their busy minds.

See, it’s a human drive to be acknowledged and validated. For example, "Happy birthday!" "Can we spend some time together?" "I made you a card that has a heartfelt note." etc.

When it comes to work, we can have greater influence on ourselves and our teams if we acknowledge our/their milestones... great and small. If we celebrate the process and not just the outcomes, such as making those follow-up calls, the trips to the gym, or trying that new recipe... rather than just the closed deals, weight loss or delicious meals prepared.

If we are not receiving what we need from our colleagues, management, family or...

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Tired of NOT Being Heard?

Tired of NOT Being Heard?

(Scroll below to view the video)

Four years ago I got asked by a dear friend to sit on a panel for a Google Ventures sponsored event which was hosted by Autodesk. The topic was "Mental Toughness for Women in Tech."

I thanked my friend, and politely declined.

At the time and for the past 25 years, my clients were world-class athletes typically ages 16-22... not the best, brightest and most successful women in technology residing in San Francisco, Silicon Valley and beyond.

Full transparency, I was scared.

Why would they listen to me? I essentially helped the top 1% teens and young adults to be their best, consistently and under highly important or high stakes situations.

Thankfully my friend at Autodesk was persistent, and fortunately I decided that my voice deserved to be heard. I prepared extensively (and then even prepared a lot more), showed up, delivered, and my business was forever changed... especially after I heard this from one of the...

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3 Key Learnings from Women in Cloud Summit 2019

3 Key Learnings from Women in Cloud Summit 2019

(Scroll below to view the video)

I am so excited! I spent all day at the Women in Cloud Summit 2019 at Microsoft, learning from over 1,000 of the country’s top technologists and tech entrepreneurs and doing a book signing for ZONED IN.

Let’s talk about a couple of the things from the book that resonated most with these amazing women and which are important to all of us.

  1. The importance of long-term clarity:
    Not just your one-year goal, but your five-year goals. This has less to do with what tasks will you accomplish and more to do with how you want to be remembered or what legacy you want to create. Once this is dialed in (It can be hard to do, but there is a process to figure it out!), you have the platform to create the reality for yourself, your team or for you family.
  2. Discovering how you want to feel in your days:
    I shared tips, tools and habits how to take control of work-life balance, how to slow down...
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