Have you been waking up recently feeling anxious, even if you are not typically an anxious person?
Or maybe you are a bit anxious and it’s been worse lately?
I’ve hosted multiple live webinars and training’s this month, and this is a recurring theme among women like you (and their amazing male allies too!).
Interesting times often require a morning routine refresh, so we can start our day feeling in-control and calm. Have a look at my worksheet, Rule Your Morning, Rule Your Day, so you can do just that. It’s in a format that is appropriate to share with the crew too (kids or colleagues).
In the worksheet you will learn to gain clarity on a morning routine that makes sense for you. PLEASE use the suggestions as a guideline and fill in with whichever things serve you and in whichever amount you can commit to.
I cannot stress this enough...
(Scroll below to view the video)
I know that you're ambitious, but sometimes our progress isn't as quick as we would like, or we feel like we're working really hard and we're not seeing the results that we want and deserve.
So I'm going to share one, what I called "tiny triumph" today. It's one little thing that you can start doing differently, and it is a tool that elite athletes use. I've been teaching this tool over the last 25 years to business leaders and other world-class performers so they can accelerate their progress and get better quicker.
I also use it myself... often!
We're going to be talking about Imagery Training, which we just covered in my "live" monthly online roundtable group. Imagery Training is about creating short movie clips that help champion your results. We went deep into this topic, so members could get a really good idea how world-class performers bring what they...
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