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Unlocking Your Limitless Leadership: Knowing When It's Time to Go Big


Today, I want to share an exciting update with you that speaks to the power of taking risks and knowing when the time is right to go bigger.

As you may know, I have been offering the Limitless Leader Launchpad Digital Course, a step-by-step coaching system designed specifically for ambitious, heart-centered female leaders, emerging leaders, and male allies. It has been an incredible journey witnessing the transformation and growth of those who have embraced this course.

But recently, an opportunity knocked on my door that made my heart skip a beat. I was approached by Rali, an exciting and innovative platform that specializes in connecting teams, fostering community-based learning, and driving engagement to facilitate effective organizational change for critical initiatives. Their belief in the science of change, behavior-centered design, and the power of people truly resonated with me.


Planning day in Atlanta with the Rali team. It’s truly taking a village to...

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Podcast Episode #115: "The First Step to Unlocking Your Limitless Leadership" - an Interview with Gina Tesla

leadership limitless Sep 06, 2022

The First Step to Unlocking Your Limitless Leadership

In case you missed my LIVE interview with the amazing Gina Tesla (Vice President, Sustainability and Social Impact, Coupa Software ), here are a few of the wisdom gems she shared:  

  • It is through times of loss or struggle, where you grow the most
  • Visualize yourself doing really well... visualize what’s going to happen.... visualize at the end how happy you feel or how proud others might feel of you, or how you feel like you really did a good job
  • Anything that you can do to take a little thing off of somebody’s plate is very beneficial
  • Take the time for yourself, take a breath, get your body in more of a receptive state, and say to yourself, "I can really see myself in this role, whether it’s a promotion, whether it’s presenting in a meeting" ... the first part is to really give yourself that permission to pause and visualize it
  • If you’re not comfortable talking to someone, write it in a journal...
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Here's to YOU Being Limitless in 2021!

Here's to YOU Being Limitless in 2021!

I never stop being impressed with this community. Despite a most unusual and challenging year, goodness, impact and momentum have prevailed. It is with sadness for all those who have suffered and also with gratitude for the purpose driven course-correction that has been demanded of all of us this year.

What will 2021 bring? YOU decide, and let’s make it happen.

What impact do you want to have?

How do you want to spend your days?

Whose lives do you want to touch?

What recognition would you like to receive?

How do you want to feel about your contribution, your energy, your freedom, your passion projects, your career, and your legacy?

You should know by now that I believe wholeheartedly, and I work with the scientists who have proven my quote to be true (namely Dr. Anders Ericsson, author of Peak)… 

“You are only limited by what you think is possible.”

Here’s to reaching new heights and a happy and healthy...

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Before You Leave, Have You Joined the Waitlist on My New Book The Fearless Female Leader?

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  • Get a "Sneak Peek" with a digital version of Chapter 1
  • View a digital lesson of the Fearless Female Leadership Enterprise Journey Edition
  • Gain early access to book exclusive training events during International Day of the Woman
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