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Remarkable Tactics to Make This YOUR Breakout Year

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In this week's Facebook Live video we talked about the importance of dreaming big.

Consider the following, and start thinking about YOUR big dream:

  • In 1976, Steve Wozniak shared with Hewlett Packard (his employer at the time) the idea of creating a personal computer. He was rejected. So he and his friend Steve Jobs got to work themselves on their dream of individual creativity for each user
  • Martin Luther King had a dream that someday there would be equality for all.
  • When Michael Phelps was 7 years old, he had a dream that there were no limits on what he could achieve.

Is there anything big or small that you dream of doing? Maybe a trip, running a half marathon, a career change? The books Peak and Talent Is Overrated are just two (but impactful) books that have proven over and over that you are only limited by what you think is possible. So start dreaming big!

Why is this SO important?

Believe It and Become It.

When we believe...

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3 Reasons Why You Should Dream Big (and Not S.M.A.R.T.)

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In 1976, Steve Wozniak suggested to Hewlett Packard (his employer at the time) the idea of creating a personal computer. He was rejected, so he and his friend Steve Jobs got to work themselves on their dream of individual creativity for each user.

Martin Luther King had a dream that someday we would all be equal.

When Michael Phelps was 7 years old, he had a dream that there were no limits on what he could achieve.

Did these world-class performers meet all of the criteria of S.M.A.R.T. goals (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, timely)? No. They dreamt big and worked every day like that dream was possible, even through massive setbacks and failures.

Here are a couple of reasons why YOU should dream big too:

1.)  Broad to Narrow:
When you dream big, are more optimistic, and shoot for the stars, you are more aware of opportunities that present themselves. This broad awareness may lead you to be more confident and throw your hat...

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