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4 Things to Avoid When Asking for What You're Worth


4 Things to Avoid When Asking for What You're Worth

Have you ever felt like (or had the facts) another colleague is being paid more for an equal or lesser role?

The good news is that you’re not alone. The bad news is that it can be very unfair, disrespectful, demotivating, and bad for business.

You may be thinking that this shouldn’t even be an issue, and that there should not be a discrepancy. Agreed 100%.

But, until pay transparency is more regulated and more systems are in place to manage this very real problem,  it may be time to speak up! If you already have, a few new tools could make all the difference for round 2.

Yes, it’s going to take time to get further down this road on pay equality, so it may be helpful to get comfortable (or I should say, confident and influential) about asking for what you are worth.

There is progress being made however for pay transparency and fairness, partially in thanks to pay transparency advocate and former Corporate VP,...

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She Got the Raise, the Title, and the Respectā€¦


"She Got the Raise, the Title, and the Respect…"

Are you owning your value enough?

If that question made you take a pause, it’s ok. Not voicing our value or owning our worth has happened to most of us at one time or another.

But, it doesn’t have to. 

According to DiversityWomen Media, ‘Women are often less assertive than men in the workplace and tend to apologize or minimize the importance of what they say when they do speak up-even female executives in meetings with their peers.’

Part of the challenge is that owning our value is a counterculture for many of us.

That was the case for Sue (not her real name:), a 1:1 Limitless Leader client of mine who is a female senior executive in finance. She had a 30-minute call scheduled for her annual review. The call was actually 10 minutes (...her boss was 10 minutes late and left 10 minutes early.) 

She was rated as ‘far exceeds’ due to the growth of her line of business and progress on major...

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