Gaining buy-in 101: The future of companies depends on YOUR and YOUR team’s voices being heard.
Women have been in leadership since the beginning of time, and wouldn’t you agree that it’s important now more than ever for YOUR voice to be heard?
For your voice to be heard by your leadership and to gain buy-in, it’s important to understand the importance of learning and caring about the other person's perspective and feelings to establish trust and influence effectively.
So how can you do this?
Whether it's for an idea, promotion, or salary negotiation, it’s not always about us. That’s right. Communicating our experience and expertise is vital, but it’s not what we lead with. If we do, it’s like asking someone to marry you after the first date, not likely to work out well!
The first thing that is important is to get to know the other person involved in the negotiation and make sure you are speaking to something that ...
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