I had the honor of speaking with Tiffani Bova, a Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author, former Senior Vice President of Global Growth and Innovation Evangelist at Salesforce. We dove into her career journey and the powerful concepts from her book The Experience Mindset.
Tiffani shared her perspectives on personal growth, career agility, and the importance of customer and employee experiences. Her insights are particularly valuable for female leaders looking to navigate the complexities of modern business environments with confidence and skill.
Key Takeaways:
Foundational Lessons from Sports (01:11): Tiffani attributes early life lessons from sports as key to her success. The skills of grace in victory, resilience in defeat, and being a team player have greatly influenced her professional journey.
Career Progression and Risk-Taking (03:10): Bova’s career is marked by a mix of lateral, downward, and upward moves, emphasizing the importance of taking risks and believing in...
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