Latest Blog Article: Leading in Times of Uncertainty with Stephanie Royal

Retaining and Motivating Your Top Female Leaders!


I hope this message finds you excited to join me at this Thursday's webinar!

I wanted to share a quick but impactful video with you. It’s all about how female leaders can thrive during disruptive times, and it offers some practical tips you can start using today.

In the video (above), I cover:

  • Managing Fear: Turning fear into a motivational tool.
  • Goal Setting: The importance of setting short, intermediate, and long-term goals.
  • Mindset Shifts: Moving from "what if" to "imagine if."

Why is this important?

Research from the American Psychological Association and the Peterson Institute for International Economics highlights that female leaders enhance productivity, collaboration, and profitability. However, many organizations struggle to retain this invaluable talent, but I have a proven framework to help female leaders stay motivated and feel in control, even in chaotic times.

Join my webinar: "Retaining and Motivating Your Top Female Leaders During Disruptive Times"

Date: June 20,...

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What Disables Teams During Change and How to Fix It – Mastering Change in 90 Days! (Webinar)


If you or your team are experiencing change or disruption in your organization, here are a couple strategies to help with motivation, productivity, and sanity.

In this 3:00-minute video, I give you actionable steps you can take and start using right now to help you or your team in the ever-evolving landscape of organizational change.

What often disables us or our team's ability to do our best during times of disruption is fear. Fear of uncertainty. Fear that our basic needs may not be met (for example, If we lose our job, we will not have the money for our necessities). Without the proper tools, fear in the workplace is costly, upwards of 500 Billion for US companies according to a recent Gallup study.

But what if I told you that fear doesn't have to be a foe? It doesn’t need to slow you or your team down. That's right, we're talking about flipping the script and making fear your ally.

If you want to know more and are ready to develop a 90 Day Strategy, here's a sneak peek of what...

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Motivating Teams During Uncertain Times


If you find yourself worried about how to motivate your team you're in good company. This challenge has been on the minds of many lately, and it's a topic I've repeatedly addressed with my clients. In fact, I recently sent out a message sharing strategies to take on these very concerns.

Since this subject is so vital, I wanted to share these transformative tips that have made a real difference for the teams I've been working with.

Based on the last 30 years of high performance research, here are a few strategies to help teams navigate through these uncertain times.

1. Acknowledge and Validate the Struggle (Maybe with Humor!)

Acknowledge and validate your team’s challenges. Having a little well placed humor can help as well. If a target looks crazy, say it! Lean into the discomfort. Embracing the struggle together creates an environment where it's okay to acknowledge that things are tough. It humanizes the experience and sets a positive tone for what lies ahead.

2. Focus on...

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Feeling Firehosed?

Feeling Firehosed?

Feeling like you’re drinking from a firehose? You’re not alone!

If you’d like me to talk you off the ledge:), let's chat privately ASAP.

Keep in mind...

Now that we are deep into Q4, what I’m hearing (now more than ever) is that individuals and teams are feeling overwhelmed, depleted, and losing motivation.

Your or your team’s highest sense of impact and contribution DO NOT live here, and it’s virtually an impossible pace to sustain.

This, of course, has a huge ripple down effect on productivity, profitability as well as talent retention... not to mention on the overall sense of well-being and impact on the family. As you can imagine, this is costly. Upwards of $500 billion dollars of lost revenue a year according to a recent Gallup study.

If you are an ambitious heart-centered leader, we lose even more. We lose your ability to access your highest sense of contribution, your ability to influence up and have the biggest voice...

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