Latest Blog Article: The Importance of Women in Our Evolving Workplace - Interview with Katy Conway

Don't Let This Happen to You

Don't Let This Happen to You

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Success never seems to happen in solitude.

Great business leaders and world-class athletes all ask for and receive help. A lot. They have a personal board of directors that helps them climb, and so should you!

Before we can request help however, we must acknowledge where we are struggling. After spending the first quarter of 2019 speaking and training more than I have ever done before, I had a new problem. Actually, I had two problems.

Problem #1:
I was not saying "no", enough. I was so excited and honored to have these speaking opportunities that I was speaking many more times than I planned into my calendar.

Problem #2:
I was tired. Really tired. This wasn’t just rough on me, just ask my husband Scott what I’m like to be around when I’m tired. No bueno.

Are you too guilty of being a "yes" girl or guy?

Sometimes, even us coaches are not masters of Mental Toughness and Sustainable High Performance :)....

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3 Easy Ways to Accelerate Progress and Get Better Quicker

3 Easy Ways to Accelerate Progress and Get Better Quicker

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I know that you're ambitious, but sometimes our progress isn't as quick as we would like, or we feel like we're working really hard and we're not seeing the results that we want and deserve.

So I'm going to share one, what I called "tiny triumph" today. It's one little thing that you can start doing differently, and it is a tool that elite athletes use. I've been teaching this tool over the last 25 years to business leaders and other world-class performers so they can accelerate their progress and get better quicker.

I also use it myself... often!

Imagery Training

We're going to be talking about Imagery Training, which we just covered in my "live" monthly online roundtable group. Imagery Training is about creating short movie clips that help champion your results. We went deep into this topic, so members could get a really good idea how world-class performers bring what they...

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Working Hard But NOT Making Enough Progress?

Working Hard But NOT Making Enough Progress?

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Do you ever feel like you are working EXTREMELY hard and...

1.)  not making the progress you want and deserve 
2.)  not feeling acknowledged 
3.)  not able to sustain the pace

If so, you are 100% not alone.

In an effort to disrupt this cycle and make progress towards you achieving your potential in a holistic and sustainable way, we are going to kick off International Women's Day a little early. Let’s all be inspired and learn from the amazing stories, impact and courage from women past and present, so we can be our best and rise, together.

For a moment, step into the shoes of Wilma Rudolph who was one of 21 children (yes, 21!) in her family, and born 1940 in St. Bethlehem, TN. Because Wilma was born premature and inflicted with many childhood illnesses (including polio), she was told by her doctor that she would never walk again.

Her mother...

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Ever Regretted NOT Speaking Up?

Ever Regretted NOT Speaking Up?

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Have you ever had a birthday come and go when you received nothing? No recognition, no card, no special dinner. Nothin'! That happened to me a while back, and it felt like I was invisible and no one cared. The reality was that the most important people in my life cared, but it somehow slipped their busy minds.

See, it’s a human drive to be acknowledged and validated. For example, "Happy birthday!" "Can we spend some time together?" "I made you a card that has a heartfelt note." etc.

When it comes to work, we can have greater influence on ourselves and our teams if we acknowledge our/their milestones... great and small. If we celebrate the process and not just the outcomes, such as making those follow-up calls, the trips to the gym, or trying that new recipe... rather than just the closed deals, weight loss or delicious meals prepared.

If we are not receiving what we need from our colleagues, management, family or...

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Tired of NOT Being Heard?

Tired of NOT Being Heard?

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Four years ago I got asked by a dear friend to sit on a panel for a Google Ventures sponsored event which was hosted by Autodesk. The topic was "Mental Toughness for Women in Tech."

I thanked my friend, and politely declined.

At the time and for the past 25 years, my clients were world-class athletes typically ages 16-22... not the best, brightest and most successful women in technology residing in San Francisco, Silicon Valley and beyond.

Full transparency, I was scared.

Why would they listen to me? I essentially helped the top 1% teens and young adults to be their best, consistently and under highly important or high stakes situations.

Thankfully my friend at Autodesk was persistent, and fortunately I decided that my voice deserved to be heard. I prepared extensively (and then even prepared a lot more), showed up, delivered, and my business was forever changed... especially after I heard this from one of the...

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3 Key Learnings from Women in Cloud Summit 2019

3 Key Learnings from Women in Cloud Summit 2019

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I am so excited! I spent all day at the Women in Cloud Summit 2019 at Microsoft, learning from over 1,000 of the country’s top technologists and tech entrepreneurs and doing a book signing for ZONED IN.

Let’s talk about a couple of the things from the book that resonated most with these amazing women and which are important to all of us.

  1. The importance of long-term clarity:
    Not just your one-year goal, but your five-year goals. This has less to do with what tasks will you accomplish and more to do with how you want to be remembered or what legacy you want to create. Once this is dialed in (It can be hard to do, but there is a process to figure it out!), you have the platform to create the reality for yourself, your team or for you family.
  2. Discovering how you want to feel in your days:
    I shared tips, tools and habits how to take control of work-life balance, how to slow down...
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3 World-Class Secrets to Persevere (When You Want to Quit)

3 World-Class Secrets to Persevere (When You Want to Quit)

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After researching, studying and working with the Top 1%, I’ve learned that there are are similarities and differences between world-class performers and everyone else. Everyone experiences anger, fear, frustration, and doubt. Everyone. There’s one important difference though that, that sets the best apart from the rest. It’s that world-class performers are intimately and vividly aware of what they want and why they care so deeply.

Maybe you’ve heard that before, but do you know how to uncover your why?

Your real why.

Regardless of what your next level of ambition is, it might be hard. Maybe really hard. What will get you to your next finish line or to your own personal Olympics is being intimately aware of why you care about it. This will prove as your biggest cheerleader, and it will extend a lifeline when you want to quit.


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4 Easy Steps to Set Yourself Up for Consistent Progress

4 Easy Steps to Set Yourself Up for Consistent Progress

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Happy New Year 2019 everyone! Here's wishing you beautiful moments, treasured memories, and all the blessings a heart can know.

Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, "Write it on your heart that everyday is the best day of the year."  I want to pass along some easy steps to help you make progress everyday towards the goals and ambitions you want and deserve.

World-class athletes and business professionals do not achieve and maintain greatness alone, and neither can you. Accountability is one way you can set yourself up for consistent progress on your march towards your Olympics.

So how do you choose the right peer, friend, or colleague as an accountability buddy?

Well, they should be:

  • More experienced than you (ideally)
  • Have your best interests at heart
  • Not in competition with you in any way
  • Not threatened by you                   ...
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World-Class Tips to Stay Sane and Happy During the Holidays

World-Class Tips to Stay Sane and Happy During the Holidays

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I’m not sure if your holidays are all jolly smiles, presents flowing and family getting along famously. Let’s just say when I was young, I really looked forward to January. Now, I LOVE having kids home, traveling, exchanging gifts and volunteering this time of year, but it can still be stressful at times.

There’s one thing world-class athletes do that we can all learn from to have the most enjoyable and relaxing holiday possible.

They rest and renew.

Yep, that’s it. The most successful and prolific athletes make sure to rest and recover, often. Why do you think John McEnroe (am I dating myself?) crashed and burned and Roger Federer is still going strong? Rest and intentional time for calm.

Here are a couple tips for you to have the most sane and happy winter break you and your family deserve:

1). Take Breaks During the Day:

When you are home with a lot of family, at...

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How to Focus on What Really Matters

How to Focus on What Really Matters

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Do you ever get distracted and veer off from what’s most important? Of course, that’s a trick question. We all do, especially this time of year!

You might wonder how world-class performers have laser-like focus when it comes to their long-term vision and their short-term progress. Thankfully, there are tools we can all learn, so we can have remarkable focus too and achieve what may have (at first) seemed not possible.

Here are a couple tips to get started:

  1. For Long-Term Focus: Create a Personal Manifesto
    Olympians are remarkably clear about their future ambitions, and they visit them often. They visualize what they want in an extremely vivid and visceral way, and they are consistent about bringing their future self and their future experiences to life. 

    Here’s a example from my book (ZONED IN: The Mental Toughness Required for a World-Class YOU) that explains this...
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Before You Leave, Have You Joined the Waitlist on My New Book Fearless Female Leadership?

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  • Get a "Sneak Peek" with a digital version of Chapter 1
  • View a digital lesson of the Fearless Female Leadership Enterprise Journey Edition
  • Gain early access to book exclusive training events during International Day of the Woman
  • Receive volume book purchase discounts

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