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Podcast Episode #74: "Innovation During Disruptive Times" - an Interview with Debbie Gibb

Innovation During Disruptive Times

In case you missed my LIVE interview with the extraordinary Debbie Gibb (Managing Director of N Ventures), here are a few of the wisdom gems she shared:

  • Build a core team around you of people who have skills that complement yours
  • It is critical create the environment where people can take risks and fail, creating an environment of “we can do it” mentality, especially if things aren’t going well
  • Lead by rolling out on what's happening in your industry real time and learn from that and make adjustments real time
  • Bring back the holistic view of critical thinking and the different perspectives
  • Own your story, where you are in your life and tell your story. Really define your own version of success as opposed to somebody elses

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