Latest Blog Article: Pro's, Con's and Profitability of Being Virtual First - an Interview with Jessica Bacher

Time to Communicate Your IMPACT More Boldly?

boldly communicate Apr 15, 2021

Time to Communicate Your IMPACT More Boldly?

Sue (not her real name:) is a senior executive who is responsible for cultivating and maintaining relationships that are worth hundreds of millions of dollars. She had an extraordinary year, growing this number significantly even during the extreme disruption that 2020 brought. What was shocking was her response to me acknowledging her unprecedented success…‘It’s not that big of a deal.’

What? It was a HUGE deal, for her, for her team, and for her company. She didn’t want to brag or take too much credit. Of course, this is understandable. How we were raised, our culture, or experiences up to this point, can have a lot to do with how (or if) we speak up, especially when it comes to communicating our impact. 

Here are two key reasons why it may be time for you to communicate your impact more boldly. 

1.) You May Limit Yourself
... for future opportunities to advance yourself or to help others.

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Podcast Episode #88: "Why International Policy Matters to Everyone" - an Interview with Greer Meisels

international policy Apr 14, 2021

Why International Policy Matters to Everyone

In case you missed my LIVE interview with the fabulous Greer Meisels (Chief of Staff, Institute of International Finance), here are a few of the wisdom gems she shared:

  • Your Mindset needs to be resilient. You can’t be afraid to make mistakes or you’ll never get as far as you could.
  • So many of the things that we are experiencing are transnational problems, ex. pandemic & climate change
  • We are all interconnected and require international cooperation to solve global issues
  • We need to acknowledge the unconscious bias that affects how we interact with people
  • Listen, understand, and try to internalize and understand as opposed to just listening and hearing
  • If someone sees something in you, don’t doubt yourself

To be notified for future interviews be sure to connect with me here on LinkedIn AND to learn more about how to build the mindset and influence for real change, join our community...

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Podcast Episode #86: "Developing Talent During Disruptive Times" - an Interview with Lolita Amica

intentional people talent Mar 31, 2021

Developing Talent During Disruptive Times

In case you missed my LIVE interview with the phenomenal Lolita Amica (Director of Talent, Tubi), here are a few of the wisdom gems she shared:

  • Ask not just about business but get to know people, be very intentional and purposeful.
  • Finding out what people really enjoy about the work, what they’ve done and where it is that they’d like to go.
  • It’s important to invest in your people, but also monitoring and knowing how they’re doing.
  • Is the lack of success of employees relative to them in the company? Are there different opportunities in your organization that’s more fitting? 
  • When performance has dropped off in employees use ECO mindset: empathy, curiosity and optimism.

To be notified for future interviews be sure to connect with me here on LinkedIn AND to learn more about how to build the mindset and influence for real change, join our community at


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Time to DE-CIDE on Your Next Best Move?

Time to DE-CIDE on Your Next Best Move?

It’s Spring (finally!), and it’s possible that it’s time for a new beginning, a shift. Maybe it’s a shift in your morning routine, how much you commit to speaking up, the intent that you go after a raise, promotion or the recognition that you’re yearning for. Maybe it’s a big shift in terms of how you lead, where you lead or in what capacity. 

Is it time to DE-CIDE?

Phonetically speaking, "de" means "of" and "cide" means, well "death." When you DE-CIDE, it’s the death of any other option. 

Oftentimes gaining pure clarity is the hardest part. 


Simply put, we have a lot of baggage, past experiences, past influences and stories we tell ourselves which gets in the way of our next best move. 

The good news is that there is a process to get clear, so we can shift, take action and get back on track to the best version of us as well as feel the joy that comes along with it. 


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Podcast Episode #85: "How to Be a Differentiated and Consistent Brand" - an Interview with Amy Protexter

brand co-creation reinvent Mar 25, 2021

How to Be a Differentiated and Consistent Brand

In case you missed my LIVE interview with the remarkable Amy Protexter (Senior Vice President of Marketing, Insight), here are a few of the wisdom gems she shared:

  • It’s important to reinvent ourselves to stay relevant to the marketplace and to our clients.
  • Using strategic acquisitions to build upon some of the organic capabilities with additional services capabilities.
  • The brand is something that is a living and organic thing that kind of changes, just like your career.
  • Co-creation is a powerful tool to forward movement. Having a group of people with different perspectives will allow you to create something incredible.
  • Find your voice and speak up with your ideas, and be willing to bring difficult feedback to the table for other leaders to hear.
  • Self-talk really matters, what you tell yourself really matters. It’s important to find the voice that tells you to keep going.

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Podcast Episode #84: "Making Sure Your Tech is Simple, Scalable and Secure" - an Interview with Mihaela Mazzenga

women in tech Mar 24, 2021

Making Sure Your Tech is Simple, Scalable and Secure

In case you missed my LIVE interview with the fabulous Mihaela Mazzenga (Chief Technology Officer, The Sharper Image), here are a few of the wisdom gems she shared:

  • It’s important to understand a narrative as events happen around you. But also understand that your journey isn’t going to be the same as anyone else.
  • A reminder women in tech, to just be yourself and to execute how you can execute best. The outcome is going to be whatever you put your best foot forward to be.
  • Tech is progressing to become more and more cloud based, you can use that for competency and build on top of it.
  • Get rid of the noise around you. Whether that’s a narrative or on expectations, or what others think about you.
  • Really take that personal responsibility, and develop yourself and also start aligning yourself with people that can support you.

To be notified for future interviews be sure to connect with me here on LinkedIn...

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Podcast Episode #83: "Being a Visionary During Disruptive Times" - an Interview with Natalie Singh

Being a Visionary During Disruptive Times

In case you missed my LIVE interview with the phenomenal Natalie Singh (Enterprise Channel Director, Microsoft ), here are a few of the wisdom gems she shared

  • Create the space for you to deal with your emotions. Responding to life, instead of reacting to life.
  • Research says we can only think very productively for 52 minutes. So take a break, recharge and begin again.
  • Give yourself permission to have some quiet time where with a book or walking by yourself. Be aware of what you need.
  • Be mindful of self-talk. Reference what you can do versus the limitations that sometimes go into the self-talk.
  • Rather than an affirmations, ask a question like, Am I disciplined? Do I belong here? You’d probably defend yourself, that you’re deserving.
  • Your voice matters, you matter, how you treat people matters.

To be notified for future interviews be sure to connect with me here on LinkedIn AND to learn more about how to build the mindset...

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Is It Your Time?

overwhelm Mar 19, 2021

Is It Your Time?

I have no doubt you are an amazing heart-centered leader who has already had an impact.

But maybe right now when you’re trying to access that next level of impact... you’re not feeling heard, or recognized or valued as much as you’d like.

And maybe you feel like you’re burning out a little bit in the process.

You are needed now more than ever, so we don’t want that!

That’s why I’ve created a (FREE) 30-minute video for you (or your team) on “How to Manage Overwhelm.”

(Just scroll below to start viewing some of my best training.)

It is very condensed and packed with tools to understand causes, consequences and cures to manage this very real problem that many are experiencing on the heals of a remarkably challenging year. As Q1-’21 comes to an end, I wanted to make sure you and/or your teams can have this resource, so you can accelerate into the remainder of the year rather than be in constant react mode mid-year.


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Podcast Episode #82: "Transforming Business During Disruptive Times" - an Interview with Amy Bunszel

Transforming Business During Disruptive Times

In case you missed my LIVE interview with the amazing Amy Bunszel (Executive Vice President of Architecture, Engineering & Design Solutions, Autodesk), here are a few of the wisdom gems she shared

  • Inclusive and diverse cultures are more likely to be agile and innovative. These cultures have less turnover, thanks to increased morale, opportunity and equity.
  • Incorporating one time company holidays when the stress is really building up. The entire company being off allows people to recharge fully.
  • Reach out to your employees to let them know that as leaders, we are paying attention to what is happening internally and externally.
  • As a leader, ask yourself how are you enabling others? What really motivates you? Try to stay true to that as you navigate through your career, because there'll be twists and turns along the way. -
  • It’s imperative that we ensure the right amount of flexibility so that people who want to spend more time in...
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Want More Recognition?

recognition Mar 09, 2021

Want More Recognition?

Has anyone ever given you a compliment that you’ve downplayed or shrugged off as being insignificant or ‘not a big deal’? Maybe you’ve achieved a new level of success or had a big win and then just moved on to the next thing without taking in the magnitude of what YOU did. 

Permission for a healthy dose of tough love…

If you want more recognition from others, it’s important to start recognizing yourself more. This serves two purposes. First, progress boosts confidence, momentum and motivation. In order to capitalize on this, it’s important to pause and party! Be sure to celebrate the process and not just the ‘W’s’. For example, you made 3 phone calls to key stakeholders or if you practiced relentlessly for an upcoming presentation. Of course, if you got that raise, promotion or kudos, schedule in a way to celebrate that as well! Don’t forget to plan that ‘pause and party’!


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