Latest Blog Article: The Importance of Women in Our Evolving Workplace - Interview with Katy Conway

Podcast Episode #101: "Strategies for Building Confidence in Your New Role" - an Interview with Dena Jones


Strategies for Building Confidence in Your New Role

In case you missed my LIVE interview with the phenomenal Dena Jones (Vice President, Office of the CIO at Fannie Mae), here are a few of the wisdom gems she shared:  

  • You don’t need to check all the boxes, a couple of the boxes are fine... and you need to go for it
  • Take more risks
  • Realize you don't have to do it on your own
  • Build a network of people around you that can support you and guide you. Have mentors and sponsors
  • Always seek to learn more and grow. That never stops. It’s not like you get to a place and say "okay, I’m here and I don’t need to learn anymore"
  • Listen to each other. Listen to different perspectives
  • Do something transformational
  • Verbalize what you’re good at
  • If you feel too comfortable, it’s time to reassess what you're doing
  • Always articulate what you want

To be notified for future interviews be sure to connect with me here on LinkedIn AND to learn more about how...

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Podcast Episode #100: "How to Reduce Internal Churn, and Why Itā€™s Different for Women" - an Interview with Lauren Larson Diehl


How to Reduce Internal Churn, and Why It’s Different for Women

In case you missed my LIVE interview with the amazing Lauren Larson Diehl (Vice President, Global Customer Success at Reputation), here are a few of the wisdom gems she shared:  

  • You can have passion and purpose… or passion and persistence, but you really need all three, to build that solid foundation
  • Be passionate about your customer’s success. Being good at that, and empowering teams to be good at that is the direct correlation to internal churn
  • The fundamentals around having empathy, and how we refocus and harness that, and how do we operate more strategically… it's really never been more important
  • Customer first? I believe it's people first. You need to invest in your people, in enabling and empowering them, and helping them to harness their capabilities. You invest in people, and then they will take care of your customers. And that's a direct and simple formula for navigating through...
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Podcast Episode #99: "Part 2: Strategies to Lead in the New Normal" - an Interview with Amy Protexter

new normal Feb 17, 2022

Part 2: Strategies to Lead in the New Normal

In case you missed my LIVE interview with the remarkable Amy Protexter (Senior Vice President, Marketing at Insight), here are a few of the wisdom gems she shared:  

  • Be willing to roll up your sleeves, learn about a different vertical that you might want to get into
  • Be an avid learner, avid reader, figure things out, and then if you’re jumping into a new role with a different vertical, see how you’re able to translate your skills into how you can help that company
  • One of the most necessary leadership skill sets going forward coming out of the last couple of years is empathy
  • It’s really about that deep listening, that empathetic approach, as a leader, I definitely think those are going to be skills that will be super important... they’re things you sort of have to nurture in yourself
  • You are the CEO of your own life. And if you think about your decisions (your why, where you want to be, and what you want to...
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She Got the Raise, the Title, and the Respectā€¦


"She Got the Raise, the Title, and the Respect…"

Are you owning your value enough?

If that question made you take a pause, it’s ok. Not voicing our value or owning our worth has happened to most of us at one time or another.

But, it doesn’t have to. 

According to DiversityWomen Media, ‘Women are often less assertive than men in the workplace and tend to apologize or minimize the importance of what they say when they do speak up-even female executives in meetings with their peers.’

Part of the challenge is that owning our value is a counterculture for many of us.

That was the case for Sue (not her real name:), a 1:1 Limitless Leader client of mine who is a female senior executive in finance. She had a 30-minute call scheduled for her annual review. The call was actually 10 minutes (...her boss was 10 minutes late and left 10 minutes early.) 

She was rated as ‘far exceeds’ due to the growth of her line of business and progress on major...

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Spoken Over by Peers or Leadership?


Spoken Over by Peers or Leadership?

Have you ever found yourself as the ‘only’ in the room (or in the Zoom room)? According to the 2021 McKinsey Women in the Workplace Report, the pipeline for women in leadership is losing ground, and the frustration and emotional tax that goes along with feeling like you’re the ‘only’ adds to burn out and the resignation of our future female leaders.

Imagine if you’re a ‘double only’. The only woman AND part of a group that is further marginalized within our gender. The flame of contribution, conscious capitalism, compassion, and invaluable perspective and knowledge is likely extinguished or dimmed even more rapidly. 

Whether you’re an ‘only’ or a ‘double only’, how can your voice be amplified even more for the greater good of our cultures, companies, and the women coming after us?

Let’s start with having a bigger voice at your next meeting or presentation and...

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Want to Feel More Calm, Confident and In Control?

Big News!
FREE Limitless Leader Community Lunch and Learn / Q&A on 1.27.22

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, not sleeping well, dropping off your routine or your productivity is tanking... the good news is that you’re normal!

The not-so-good news is that you’re allowing your light to be dimmed. (Woo woo translation: your purpose-driven goodness that you are able to put into our family, your company, and into the world is slowing down, and in some cases stopping altogether.)

Maybe you’re feeling stuck? 

Not sure about a move to a new role, an internal shift where you’ll challenge your leadership to ‘get on the bus’ with a major initiative, or possibly going after a new board seat?

Purpose-driven clarity is like rocket fuel. It jolts you into action, honoring fear and doubt while not letting them get in the way of your progress.

To help you gain even greater purpose-driven clarity, I’d like to share something crazy I did this month,...

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Podcast Episode #98: "Growing Visibility for Women in Wealth Management" - an Interview with Brie Williams

Growing Visibility for Women in Wealth Management

In case you missed my LIVE interview with the remarkable Brie Williams (Vice President, Head of Practice Management at SPDR Exchange Traded Funds - State Street Global Investors), here are a few of the wisdom gems she shared:

  • Having an open mind and willingness to try something different, even if it's not what you've envisioned for yourself
  • Learning to get comfortable in failing fast and failing up
  • Building your confidence and strengthening your resilience through self-doubt and anxiety
  • Using your network of colleagues and partners as a safe forum for trying out your ideas
  • The importance and value of the give and take of the sponsorship/mentorship relationship
  • Being authentic to yourself and embracing the many shapes and sizes of diversity.

To be notified for future interviews be sure to connect with me here on LinkedIn AND to learn more about how to build the mindset and influence for real...

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There is Reason for Optimism in 2022

There is Reason for Optimism in 2022

I hope your year is off to a healthy, productive, and impactful start!

What do you love about what you do?

For me, I love being the guide so you, your team, or your colleagues can be the hero. While very aware of the importance of data, it’s not so exciting to me.

There was, however, some notable data that came out of 2021 that (I feel) is important for you to know, so we can learn and improve from it.

First, the "not so good news" uncovered from a pre-coaching assessment that was filled by the 10 female heart-centered leaders I was so honored to have worked with 1:1 in 2021 as well as the facilitations done for their managers and from the virtual speaking events that reached thousands.

  • Female leaders are still feeling silenced, overlooked, and disregarded by their leadership.
  • This is exacerbating overwhelm and burnout.
  • Change is happening, but these inequities are not spoken about or addressed quick enough.

I’d like to...

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Your Great Re-Design of 2022

Your Great Re-Design of 2022

Just like an ultra-marathoner, here we are. We’ve covered a ton of ground, have LOTS to be grateful for, touched many lives with our heart and accomplishments, climbed some big mountains, celebrated milestones, but we are tired.

As we likely sped past Hanukkah and now head into Christmas, Kwanzaa, and New Year’s, we’ll cherish time with family, give gifts, give love, give time, give money to amazing causes and organizations, and (for my fellow Jewish Limitless Leader subscriber family), make and give lots of food, LOL!

But there is one thing that some of us may need to unapologetically receive, so we can re-design our upcoming year.


Time to pause.

Time to reflect.

Time to recharge...

...and time to plan for a year that we’d like to create. So, in the holiday spirit, I invite you to gift yourself some time alone to do just that.

Yes, before we map out our personal and professional goals, it may be a good time to...

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Two Ways to Get Clear on What Really Matters in 2022


Two Ways to Get Clear on What Really Matters in 2022

Do you ever get distracted or veer from what’s most important? Maybe you’re too overwhelmed to think about it, or you’re not even clear on what it is anymore! If so, you’re definitely not alone. Maybe it’s time to course-correct and get more strategic about the year you want to have and the impact you’re going to create in 2022…

This has certainly been a year of reflection, and it’s the perfect time to get clear on what matters most to you, how you’d like to achieve it, and how you’d like to feel in the process.

Maybe you’re so busy that you don’t have time to make a shift, or you are not sure where to start. As we wind up the year, here are a couple of things that might help create the impact you want and deserve on your terms.

Consider that goals are not just about your career, such as meeting/exceeding projections, having more influence with leadership,...

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