Latest Blog Article: The Importance of Women in Our Evolving Workplace - Interview with Katy Conway

Smart Strategies to Get Better ... QUICKER!

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Do you, anyone you care about, or anyone you influence ever feel like the effort is there but the results are not?

Maybe there is something important, but going after it doesn’t happen because "I’m not smart enough, tall enough, senior enough, pretty enough, male enough, worthy enough"...etc.? It’s been proven in science that YOU ARE ENOUGH to make progress towards anything that’s important to you. You just need the proper tools and the willingness to put in the work.

Here’s a tool and a couple tips to get you started.

Download the FREE Deliberate Practice Worksheet:  Use this new worksheet when you want to accelerate your progress for something important to you. How much you practice matters, but even more important is HOW you practice.

The following tips are based on research done over the last three plus decades by Dr. Anders Ericsson, the research scientist and expert on the science of...

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