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Feeling stuck? Time For a Pause...

reset stuck unplug what's next Sep 01, 2024

If you’re feeling stuck or a little uncertain about what’s next, perhaps it’s time for a pause to relax and just be. Many times we try to ‘force what’s next’, when in fact we need the time, space, and rest for it to appear.

Just as we are intentional about how we prepare for high stakes or crucial conversations, it’s also extremely important to be intentional about how we rest and refuel our body and soul. Would we like to be alone, with friends, or with family? Would we like to be completely unplugged, work for an hour or two in the morning then play, or work somewhere different that fosters our creativity with some fun sprinkled in?

I took a trip recently to visit my son in Rhode Island and shot this message for you while I was there.  It’s so important to set clear intentions for both personal and professional interactions. 

I encourage you to reflect on your own levels of intentionality, including your during your times...

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Secrets to Avoid Getting Stuck (Get Ready to Make a Shift!)

shift stuck uncertainty May 16, 2020

Secrets to Avoid Getting Stuck (Get Ready to Make a Shift!)

I hope you, your loved ones and colleagues are all staying healthy!

Did you know that it will take 2-4 weeks for pipelines to fill up once we start driving and flying around more, and the demand for gasoline starts to rise? This was surprising to me when I heard last week from an industry expert.

Just like we don’t want to be stuck in our driveway with an empty tank when everyone else is starting their Summer, we don’t want to be stuck in comfort/survival mode when others are prepared for the next level of normal. 

For some, the last 8 weeks has been absolutely devastating and for others it’s been an almost welcome disruption to a pace of life that was not sustainable. Maybe it’s been somewhere in between. Safe to say for most, it’s been challenging in one way or another, and I honor YOU for doing your best.

There is still a lot of uncertainty, but here’s WHAT WE DO...

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Are You At An Ambition Checkpoint?

"Are You At An Ambition Checkpoint?"

I had a conversation with one of my oldest and dearest friends recently that at first struck me as odd. She asked, "Do you ever feel like a plastic bag, drifting through the wind wanting to start again...?" I recognized that was the opening lyrics to Katy Perry’s song Firework. She was off. Not her present, fun, happy, and courageous self. It was strange, because she’s so accomplished. She had raised happy, productive, and conscientious kids. She worked doing what she loved. She had a few half-marathons under her belt, and she had a loving family and friends. After many conversations, I finally understood.

She was at an ambition checkpoint.

Her kids needed her less, and she felt like there was more of her to give to her career. More people to serve and a legacy to create. It was inaction that made her feel she was off-purpose... like a plastic bag drifting through the wind. She was being blown around by her days, by her old routine,...

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