Time to DE-CIDE On Your Next Best Move?
Now that we are on the backside of 2022, it’s possible that it’s time for a new beginning, a shift, so we can finish the year as strong as possible. Maybe it’s a shift in your morning routine, how much you commit to speaking up, or a big shift in terms of how you lead, where you lead or in what capacity.
Is it time to DE-CIDE?
Phonetically speaking, “de” means “of” and “cide” means, well “death.” When you DE-CIDE, it’s the ‘death of’ any other option. Deciding is a commitment to move forward, even if you are not ready or are scared. If you gut and your heart says it’s a go, then let’s get it!
Oftentimes gaining pure clarity is the hardest part.
Simply put, we have a lot of baggage, past experiences, past influences, and stories we tell ourselves which gets in the way of us taking action.
The good news is that there is a process to get clear, so we...
It is my sincere hope that this finds you, your colleagues and family well and safe. The last two weeks have been unimaginable and horrific combined with hope. Hope that there are many allies standing in solidarity with #blacklivesmatter and hope that there is a new and better commitment to equality.
Emotions are running high and for good reason, but the march for equality must go forward, so must we if we are able. For some who have been affected personally, whose family or colleagues have been directly affected, it may not be possible now. If that is you, please accept my heartfelt prayers for healing and strength. I don’t understand completely nor will I ever, but I am committed to educating myself and my community, so we can be allies for change.
I have deep gratitude for this community of heart-centered and ambitious leaders. Your voice and vision is needed now more than ever, and I believe in our ability...
(Scroll below to view the video)
I know that you're ambitious, but sometimes our progress isn't as quick as we would like, or we feel like we're working really hard and we're not seeing the results that we want and deserve.
So I'm going to share one, what I called "tiny triumph" today. It's one little thing that you can start doing differently, and it is a tool that elite athletes use. I've been teaching this tool over the last 25 years to business leaders and other world-class performers so they can accelerate their progress and get better quicker.
I also use it myself... often!
We're going to be talking about Imagery Training, which we just covered in my "live" monthly online roundtable group. Imagery Training is about creating short movie clips that help champion your results. We went deep into this topic, so members could get a really good idea how world-class performers bring what they...
(Scroll below to view the video)
Happy New Year 2019 everyone! Here's wishing you beautiful moments, treasured memories, and all the blessings a heart can know.
Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, "Write it on your heart that everyday is the best day of the year." I want to pass along some easy steps to help you make progress everyday towards the goals and ambitions you want and deserve.
World-class athletes and business professionals do not achieve and maintain greatness alone, and neither can you. Accountability is one way you can set yourself up for consistent progress on your march towards your Olympics.
So how do you choose the right peer, friend, or colleague as an accountability buddy?
Well, they should be:
NEW! Join the Saturday Morning "Live" Round Table with Q & A
I wanted to let everyone know that I will be hosting FREE round table discussions via Zoom.us for the next 3 Saturdays at 8:30-9:00 a.m. PST (the first one will be September 30th). I will be sharing Mental Toughness tips, tools and habits, and then open it up for plenty of Q & A. Log in details are below, and I encourage you to share with any colleagues, friends or family members you think would be interested in attending.
Now to today's topic: One World-Class Tip to Control Your Day
(Scroll to the bottom to view the video.)
Have you ever had a week where the sh%@t hits the fan? If so, you are most definitely...
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