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World-Class Tips to Stay Sane and Happy During the Holidays

World-Class Tips to Stay Sane and Happy During the Holidays

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I’m not sure if your holidays are all jolly smiles, presents flowing and family getting along famously. Let’s just say when I was young, I really looked forward to January. Now, I LOVE having kids home, traveling, exchanging gifts and volunteering this time of year, but it can still be stressful at times.

There’s one thing world-class athletes do that we can all learn from to have the most enjoyable and relaxing holiday possible.

They rest and renew.

Yep, that’s it. The most successful and prolific athletes make sure to rest and recover, often. Why do you think John McEnroe (am I dating myself?) crashed and burned and Roger Federer is still going strong? Rest and intentional time for calm.

Here are a couple tips for you to have the most sane and happy winter break you and your family deserve:

1). Take Breaks During the Day:

When you are home with a lot of family, at...

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