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Podcast Episode #44 - Interview with Karen Fassio "The Power of Women in Technology to Make a Difference"

power of women technology Apr 03, 2020

The Power of Women in Technology to Make a Difference

Karen Fassio is the Director, One Commercial Partner Group at Microsoft and co-founder of Women in Cloud.

Here Are a Couple of the Main Take-Aways:

  1. Had limited access to technology as a child in the ‘80’s, behind brother and boys in general
  2. Mom always told her to ‘take the initiative’ which is how Karen leads others today
  3. ’Be a catalyst for a conversation and for change'
  4. Create a bigger circle for yourself to gain perspective
  5. Be curious, don’t judge yourself or be held back by fear or doubt
  6. Allow yourself to self-model, throw questions out there, and be bold with receiving input back regardless of if it’s positive or negative 
  7. Build or strengthen connections now, especially now

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