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Gavriella Schuster Interviews Me About Strategies to Navigate Career Crossroads


As female leaders, we often find ourselves at life's crossroads, where the roads of impact and bold decision-making intersect. This was exactly the focus when Gavriella Schuster, former VP One Commercial Partner at Microsoft and equality advocate, interviewed me.

Gavriella expressed a sentiment many of us feel at crucial career junctures – the wish for a process to guide her.  If you’re thinking about gaining clarity on ‘what’s next’, it’s my sincere hope that you’ll find our conversation helpful.

Key Takeaways:

Embracing the Normalcy of Transition: Gavriella’s story at Microsoft is a powerful reminder that feeling uncertain about major career moves is normal. It's a sign that you’re ready to explore new horizons. 

The Importance of a Guided Process: Reflecting on her own experiences, Gavriella wished for a structured approach like the Fearless Female Leadership Journey. Such a framework can provide clarity and...

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