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A Note to Our Mental Toughness Community

A Note to Our Mental Toughness Community

It is my sincere hope that this finds you, your colleagues and family well and safe. The last two weeks have been unimaginable and horrific combined with hope. Hope that there are many allies standing in solidarity with #blacklivesmatter and hope that there is a new and better commitment to equality.

Emotions are running high and for good reason, but the march for equality must go forward, so must we if we are able. For some who have been affected personally, whose family or colleagues have been directly affected, it may not be possible now. If that is you, please accept my heartfelt prayers for healing and strength. I don’t understand completely nor will I ever, but I am committed to educating myself and my community, so we can be allies for change.

I have deep gratitude for this community of heart-centered and ambitious leaders. Your voice and vision is needed now more than ever, and I believe in our ability...

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