Have you been waking up recently feeling anxious, even if you are not typically an anxious person?
Or maybe you are a bit anxious and it’s been worse lately?
I’ve hosted multiple live webinars and training’s this month, and this is a recurring theme among women like you (and their amazing male allies too!).
Interesting times often require a morning routine refresh, so we can start our day feeling in-control and calm. Have a look at my worksheet, Rule Your Morning, Rule Your Day, so you can do just that. It’s in a format that is appropriate to share with the crew too (kids or colleagues).
In the worksheet you will learn to gain clarity on a morning routine that makes sense for you. PLEASE use the suggestions as a guideline and fill in with whichever things serve you and in whichever amount you can commit to.
I cannot stress this enough...
Absolutely thrilled to share my interview with fellow certified high performance coach Kerry Smith of The Awakening Trainings.
Kerry and her husband Colin believe everyone deserves to be happy and it is everyone's birthright to live a life that cultivates inner happiness, one that comes from within and could never be fulfilled with outward desires. It is only filled with inward clarity, stillness and passion for growth, ignited by one’s own inner wisdom. They have Instilled the importance of inner peace and wisdom in the reality of their daily lives and has devoted a deep meditation practice twice a day as part of their very rigorous spiritual routine for the last 26 years. In 2018, Kerry and Colin were hand-picked to carry on the torch of transformation that it brings and they took it with the deep honor, reverence and dedication to help others find their personal spark and they have incorporated their expertise in the different healing...
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