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The #1 Progress Trap (and How to Beat It)

The #1 Progress Trap
(and How to Beat It)

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I was on a call with one of my mentors, Brendon Burchard, and he was coaching the High Performance Habit "Productivity."

I felt like such an imposter, dragging my feet on a project and NOT being productive, at all. I finally said to him, "Honestly, I think there is something wrong with me cognitively. I coach this material. I am a supposed expert, but I just can’t seem to make the progress I want and that I know I deserve."

Brendon's response:

"Sheryl, do you believe in what you are doing, and are you all in?"

Ouch. The answer was no and no.

Total transparency, I was not 100% certain I could pull off what I was working towards at the time, AND I was not 100% committed to it either.

No brain injury or cognitive disability (that I know of:). Just lack of belief and commitment. So, after some soul searching, I re-evaluated and recommitted.

That’s when everything changed (... for the much better)....

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