Have you ever felt like you’re running hard but not in the right direction? Maybe your circumstances or ambitions have changed, or you’re running a new race.
Wouldn’t it be great to receive a custom training tailored to you? In other words, something created to solve your specific problems and help you reset and recommit to a Q3 you’re excited about? Let’s make sure you’re running in the right direction, so you can sustain your pace and be happy doing it!
I want to help with this, so I’m going to ask for a quick favor: Could you take a moment to answer the 3 brief questions? Click here.
I’m determined to help you and/or your team reset and recommit, so by the end of August, you’ll feel more in control, productive and purposeful.
If you respond to this email, I’ll do my best to create the right tools and resources to help you or your team do just that.
I look forward to your reply!
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