Latest Blog Article: The Importance of Women in Our Evolving Workplace - Interview with Katy Conway

How to Drive More Revenue and Impact with Your Partners - an Interview with Autum Grimm (PartnerTap)

impact revenues worth May 22, 2024

In this Fearless Female Leader interview, I dive into inspiration, influence and self-worth with Autum Grimm, Chief Revenue Officer at PartnerTap.

Autum shares her personal inspiration drawn from influential women in her life, emphasizing the power of representation and self-worth. She advocates for emotional intelligence and mental resilience through practices like meditation and journaling.

Autum was surrounded by females growing up who were entrepreneurs, sole proprietors, and leaders in their community.

One of those leaders was her Aunt, Dr Minga Guerrero who was the first Latina female chiropractor on the West Coast.

Autum witnessed a strong powerhouse show up not only in family gatherings, but in any professional setting that she saw her in. And not just be a part of the room (which was predominantly male, and white) but command and lead the room. Representation matters and seeing her aunt in this way allowed Autumn to think about the possibilities for her own future. It allowed...

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3 Steps to Build the Influence You Want and Deserve


There is a misconception about influence that it is reserved for the elite few or for those in positions of authority.

We all have ideas, feelings and wisdom that deserve to be heard AND that may have a profound impact on others. I almost look at it as an obligation. Whether you feel like you are influential or not, you can learn to become more influential, and it starts with gaining an influential mindset.

Keep in mind that you believe what you consistently tell yourself, so use your internal voice wisely! You may have to be an actor or actress in the beginning.

I DON'T mean "fake it until you MAKE it."

I DO mean, "fake it until you BECOME it."

The first step to gaining the influence at work OR at home, is to believe that what you desire is possible.

Fortunately, there's a great tool you can use to do just that! It's a positive affirmations app that myself and my 1:1 clients use called ThinkUp. Used...

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Podcast Episode #128: "Creating Our Next Gen of Global Leaders" - an Interview with Monica Nyiraguhabwa

global impact mentor Apr 04, 2023

Creating Our Next Gen of Global Leaders

In case you missed my LIVE interview with the remarkable Monica Nyiraguhabwa (Executive Director at Girl Up Initiative Uganda), here are a few of the wisdom gems she shared:

  • 00:02:05 - The mentorship I received as a girl has shaped what I’ve become
  • 00:03:13 - Igniting change for girls in Uganda and beyond
  • 00:06:32 - Deepening impact and working with communities to address issues
  • 00:09:45 - The importance of impacting accurate information for adolescents
  • 00:12:40 - Empowering adolescent girls and shifting mindsets in Uganda
  • 00:15:49 - Supporting girls’ Education in Uganda
  • 00:18:28 - Visit

To be notified for future interviews be sure to connect with me here on LinkedIn AND to learn more about how to build the mindset and influence for real change, join our community at

Download a transcript of Sheryl's interview with Monica Nyiraguhabwa.

Please enjoy the video...

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Podcast Episode #110: "Using Change to Your Advantage" - an Interview with Nathalie Gauthier (Part 2)


Using Change to Your Advantage

In case you missed my LIVE interview with the remarkable Nathalie Gauthier (Vice President, Talent Marketplace and DE&I Advocate at State Street), here are a few of the wisdom gems she shared:  

  • One of the key points in using change to your advantage is having the willingness to accept it and learn from it.
  • Take the moment to get clarity and drive towards it.
  • Connect with folks, unveil the truth, and then share that light.
  • Take the time to envision your next steps.
  • Emotionally connect with people so you can unveil truths and share some light to grow and be impactful.

To be notified for future interviews be sure to connect with me here on LinkedIn AND to learn more about how to build the mindset and influence for real change, join our community at

Download a transcript of Sheryl's interview with Nathalie Gauthier.

(Please watch the video above, or click the green arrow...

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Spoken Over by Peers or Leadership?


Spoken Over by Peers or Leadership?

Have you ever found yourself as the ‘only’ in the room (or in the Zoom room)? According to the 2021 McKinsey Women in the Workplace Report, the pipeline for women in leadership is losing ground, and the frustration and emotional tax that goes along with feeling like you’re the ‘only’ adds to burn out and the resignation of our future female leaders.

Imagine if you’re a ‘double only’. The only woman AND part of a group that is further marginalized within our gender. The flame of contribution, conscious capitalism, compassion, and invaluable perspective and knowledge is likely extinguished or dimmed even more rapidly. 

Whether you’re an ‘only’ or a ‘double only’, how can your voice be amplified even more for the greater good of our cultures, companies, and the women coming after us?

Let’s start with having a bigger voice at your next meeting or presentation and...

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Want to Rise More in 2022?

Want to Rise More in 2022?

If you know you’re doing a great job, but you feel like you’re getting overlooked, excluded or not on leadership’s radar enough, it could be the perfect time to get a plan in place to dial up your visibility and rise more. While there may be many things that are not controllable, there is one thing that is 100% under your control, and that’s the impact that YOU decide you want to have. Likely having greater impact means getting leadership on the bus with your ideas and seeing you as a confidant and trusted advisor. Let’s make sure you have a visibility plan in place now, so you can have as impactful a year as possible.

Here are a few questions that will help you take the first step, gaining personal clarity, to rise more in 2022. Deciding on the answers to these questions and taking action on them is a way of accepting where you’re being called for your highest sense of leadership. They will also help lay the foundation...

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No Tricks, Just a Treat!

"3 Strategies for Women to Take Control of Their Visibility and Impact"

Have you ever had the courage to speak up in a crucial conversation or to your leadership and then felt like someone pooped in your cereal? (I know that’s gross, but I cannot take credit! A recent C-level client said it yesterday:).

If so, I am EXTREMELY excited to share this with YOU! On November 5, I’ll be hosting a global live masterclass for VMware’s 6000 member Women in Leadership group, and I wanted to give my Limitless Leader family access to these important tools!

So, here’s the treat...:ghost:

A sneak peek of the outline...


Because it’s YOUR time to speak up, be heard, and share your unique area of genius even more.

While we have come a long way in terms of equality for women in the workplace, we are not there yet and likely will not be in our lifetime.

According to the recent (September 27, 2021) McKinsey report, 1 in 3 women are considering leaving the workplace.


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Feeling Firehosed?

Feeling Firehosed?

Feeling like you’re drinking from a firehose? You’re not alone!

If you’d like me to talk you off the ledge:), let's chat privately ASAP.

Keep in mind...

Now that we are deep into Q4, what I’m hearing (now more than ever) is that individuals and teams are feeling overwhelmed, depleted, and losing motivation.

Your or your team’s highest sense of impact and contribution DO NOT live here, and it’s virtually an impossible pace to sustain.

This, of course, has a huge ripple down effect on productivity, profitability as well as talent retention... not to mention on the overall sense of well-being and impact on the family. As you can imagine, this is costly. Upwards of $500 billion dollars of lost revenue a year according to a recent Gallup study.

If you are an ambitious heart-centered leader, we lose even more. We lose your ability to access your highest sense of contribution, your ability to influence up and have the biggest voice...

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How to Get Clear on What Really Matters

How to Get Clear on What Really Matters

(Scroll below to view the video)

Do you ever get distracted and veer from what’s most important?

Maybe you’re so busy that you don’t have time to focus on what really matters to have massive impact this year? 

We all do, but there are a couple things that sets the best apart from the rest.

It's time to "course correct"... so you can fully lean into this year.

World-class performers have laser-like focus when it comes to their long-term vision and their short-term progress. Thankfully, there are tools we can all learn, so we can have remarkable clarity and focus too and achieve what may have (at first) seemed not possible.

Here are two tips to get started:

  1. For Long-Term Focus: Create a Personal Manifesto.
    Olympians are remarkably clear about their future ambitions, and they visit them often. They visualize what they want in an extremely vivid and visceral way, and they are consistent about bringing their...
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Podcast Episode #38: "The Local and Global Impact of Equality in the Workplace" - An Interview with Dr. Kellie McElhaney

The Local and Global Impact of Equality in the Workplace

Equality in the workplace reaches far beyond a paycheck, and there is a massive upside for everyone if we can start to aggressively close the gap, sooner rather than later. Watch my interview with distinguished professor at the UC Berkeley Haas School of Business and founder of the Center for Equity, Gender and Leadership, Dr. Kellie McElhaney as we discuss this important topic.

Here Are a Couple of the Main Take-Aways and Action Items:

  1. Next level equity in the workplace will require next level courage for members of dominant groups.
  2. There is not a level playing field for all women in the workplace, so 'gender equity' is incomplete and inaccurate.
  3. One thing that can be done is for members of dominant groups to actively seek out members from non-dominant groups and ask what they need and listen.
  4. Members of non-dominant groups can continue to ask for help to articulate what they need.

To be notified for future interviews sure...

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  • Get a "Sneak Peek" with a digital version of Chapter 1
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