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Time to Draw Your Own Map?

Time to Draw Your Own Map?

You have a brilliance in you, your contribution is valuable, and the art you create is precious. Only you can do it, and you must. I’m hoping you’ll stand up and choose to make a difference."
- Seth Godin, Linchpin

In his book Linchpin: Are You Indispensable?, Godin talks about when he was a kid and his love of the comic book series, The Justice League of America. He explained that, with the exception of Batman and Superman, the other members needed to explain their superpowers in the beginning of each story when a stranger was introduced. 

Godin goes on to say that "...the best future available to us is a future where you contribute as your true self and your best work."

So, maybe it’s your time.

Your time to draw your own map. A map that may still include fear and doubt, but one that knows how to use those emotions as superpowers and not kryptonite.

Some of us have been trained to be safe. Not to take...

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3 Tips to Use Negative Emotions as a Superpower

(Scroll to the bottom to view the video.)

Do you ever feel like negative thoughts and emotions are holding you back?

Emotions are no joke when it comes to us being able to be our best, especially in moments that matter most. Everyone experiences negative emotions from time to time! 

I want to help you use negative emotions as a superpower!

There are a couple things that world-class performers do a little differently which helps them to use emotions (even the negative ones!) to their advantage. In this week's video you'll learn:

1.) The (very) basic science behind why managing emotions is SO important, and what this means to you

2.) The consequences of not having a game plan to deal with negative emotions

3.) The 3 simple steps you can start doing today to help you go from rattled to ready

I am here to support you every step along the way, so let’s do this!

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3 Secrets to Use Disruption as a Superpower (Mentally and Strategically)

(Scroll to the bottom to view the video.)

We all face the threat of someone or something disrupting our status quo. The mere thought of disruption can be paralyzing or it can be a secret weapon. With the proper mindset and tools, you (or your team) can take control to use disruption as a superpower.

I had the opportunity to catch up with Michael Alf of the Disciplined Disruption Podcast. Here are a few of Michael’s rules to be proactive surrounding disruption, so you can capitalize on an uncertain situation. In future episodes, I will talk about the mindset and planning required to execute these amazing tips:

  1. Developing the proper mindset is a vital component when it comes to planning for disruption. One of the biggest challenges as businesses, industries and roles are changing is: ‘How do I expand my tool belt to be as prepared as possible?’ The answer to this question starts with being confident in what’s possible and having the mindset to make...
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