Latest Blog Article: Pro's, Con's and Profitability of Being Virtual First - an Interview with Jessica Bacher

Podcast Episode #64: "Women Thriving in International Business and Building Strategic Alliances" - an Interview with Heather Brewer

Women Thriving in International Business and Building Strategic Alliances

In case you missed my LIVE interview with the remarkable Heather Brewer (Client Director, New Business Development at Bridge Partners), here are a few of the wisdom gems she shared:

  • Be open to new experiences, be flexible, be brave enough to try it
  • Go after learning and experiences over titles and $$$
  • You do not have to follow the rules or what others want for you
  • Taking an extended pause can be powerful and enlightening
  • Don't be afraid to take a role that scares you
  • Spend consistent time building, nourishing and rekindling relationships

To be notified for future interviews be sure to connect with me here on LinkedIn AND to learn more about how to build the mindset and influence for real change, join our community at #limitlessleader #womenwholead #bHERd #sherylkline #bridgepartners

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Podcast Episode #63: Bringing New Products and Services to Market During Disruptive Times" - an Interview with Karyn Scott

Bringing New Products and Services to Market During Disruptive Times

In case you missed my LIVE interview with the amazing Karyn Scott (CMO at Kloudspot), here are a few of the wisdom gems she shared:

  • Creativity, innovative ability and progress require us to risk failure
  • Shout out to Lynn Vojvodich for instilling the importance of embracing failure
  • Must work harder now to be visible and to be heard
  • Kloudspot Quickstart was born from a strategic, swift and a fearless commitment to serve customers in a new way
  • Be bold and be courageous to make hard pivots BEFORE a customer realizes they need your product or service
  • Face your fears and deal with them
  • No regrets

To be notified for future interviews be sure to connect with me here on LinkedIn AND to learn more about how to build the mindset and influence for real change, join our community at #limitlessleader #womenwholead #bHERd #sherylkline #kloudspot

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Podcast Episode #62: "Building and Nurturing Virtual Global Teams" - an Interview with Jill Ralph

virtual global teams Nov 11, 2020

Building and Nurturing Virtual Global Teams

In case you missed my LIVE interview with the incredible Jill Ralph (Head of Global Membership at Motley Fool), here are a few of the wisdom gems she shared:

  • Know thyself and who you're interacting with
  • Leap and the net will appear
  • Magical spots are where personal passion and professional paths intersect
  • Invest more upfront with recruiting AND onboarding
  • Have agendas for meetings and do NOT waste other people's time. Cancel meetings if not vital.
  • Take 5-10 minutes at the end of meetings to wrap up, open for questions
  • Check out the Culture Map by Erin Meyer
  • Have faith in yourself, AND bring others with you, especially women and minorities

To be notified for future interviews be sure to connect with me here on LinkedIn AND to learn more about how to build the mindset and influence for real change, join our community at #limitlessleader #womenwholead #bHERd #sherylkline...

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Bully in the Boardroom?

allies bully marginalized Nov 07, 2020

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Bully in the Boardroom?

Whether it’s in the highest court in the land, the corporate boardroom, or any other room, most of us have experienced bullying, implicit or explicit, at some time in our career. With the current political climate, it’s not a stretch to say that it is likely to get worse before it gets better.

This hit to company culture is expensive because it causes physical and emotional collateral (difficulty sleeping, higher stress, anxiety, insomnia, high blood pressure and depression which translates into more sick time, increased healthcare and lower productivity) which in turn makes bullying financially costly as well, says Holly Wintermute of the Fisher Phillips law firm.

A study by the online employment service, Monster, found that about 90% of workers have been bullied at their place of employment. As if this isn’t bad enough, imagine if you are someone who is marginalized or double marginalized.

Here are...

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Podcast Episode #61: "Enabling Growth Through Disruption" - an Interview with Nicole Johnson

Enabling Growth Through Disruption

In case you missed my LIVE interview with the incredible Nicole Johnson (Director of Sales Acceleration at Veeam Software), here are a few of the wisdom gems she shared:

  1. Share your successes and learnings to help and inspire others
  2. Fail forward, fail fast, fail often
  3. Compete to win, and do it at Veeam speed (ie: go all in, work efficiently, and kick fear and doubt to the curb)
  4. Surround yourself with people who will challenge you learn and grow
  5. There is NO better time for women's voices to be heard than NOW

To be notified for future interviews be sure to connect with me here on LinkedIn AND to learn more about how to build the mindset and influence for real change, join our community at #limitlessleader #womenwholead #bHERd #sherylkline #veeamspeed

(Please click the green arrow button below to begin listening to the Podcast.)


... or watch a video recording of this LinkedIn...

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Podcast Episode #60: "Creating Transformational Culture Change" - an Interview with Latisha Roberson

Creating Transformational Culture Change

In case you missed my LIVE interview with the incredible Latisha M. Roberson (Inclusion & Diversity Strategic Partnerships Lead at Accenture), here are a few of the wisdom gems she shared:

  1. Money does not grow on trees.' It's important to understand equal pay, wealth creation, sustainability and growth
  2. Set goals, accomplish (or learn:), celebrate!, set another
  3. Inclusion and Diversity = Invite to the party AND Ask to Dance -- Shifts need to be gradual to be effective -- Be very careful with assumptions and stereotypes
  4. Emotional Agility is vital during situations of implicit or unconscious bias to foster teaching moments and progress

To be notified for future interviews be sure to connect with me here on LinkedIn AND to learn more about how to build the mindset and influence for real change, join our community at #limitlessleader #womenwholead #bHERd #sherylkline #leadwithlatisha


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Podcast Episode #59: "How Women Are Shaping Tech" - an Interview with Carrie Goetz

How Women Are Shaping Tech

STOP and listen if you want to fast track your career success! Carrie Goetz (Principal and CTO of StrategITcom) hit this interview out of the park. SO much wisdom shared. Here are a few of the main take-aways:
-- When someone says ’You can’t.’, figure it out and get it done.
-- Try not to allow others to pull you down.
-- Be bold and take chances even when you don’t have all the answers or are not totally prepared.
-- If in a very negative environment, consider trying to work it out or getting out.
-- Write down of everything you do in a role. You’ll need it someday.
-- Don’t be afraid to try something new out, even if you have no experience.
-- Ask for help often, BUT be clear on what you need first.

To be notified for future interviews be sure to connect with me here on LinkedIn AND to learn more about how to build the mindset and influence for real change, join our community at ...

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Podcast Episode #58: "Driving Change Through Real Customer Connection" - an Interview with Laurie Dewan

Driving Change Through Real Customer Connection

I was super excited to have this wonderful conversation with Healthline Media's Vice President of Consumer Insights, Laurie Dewan. 

Here are the highlights from our amazing chat:

  1. Higher need to intentionally leverage informal and formal networks
  2. Set goals and make a habit of doing this consistently
  3. Epic quote by Laurie (and Marianne Williamson:) 'The World is Not Served by You Playing Small'
  4. There is a great power in careful listening and stories to drive innovation and organizational change
  5. Let yourself be emotionally impacted by your customer stories
  6. Healthline is committed to providing research and resources for racism and inequality in healthcare as well as managing mental illness in the workplace

To be notified for future interviews be sure to connect with me here on LinkedIn AND to learn more about how to build the mindset and influence for real change, join our community at

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Podcast Episode #57: "Women Helping Women: The Importance of Intentional Networking" - an Interview with Megan Bozzuto

Women Helping Women: The Importance of Intentional Networking

Whether you are currently in your dream job or looking for something new, you won't want to miss these strategies to help yourself, your colleagues and friends to make the meaningful progress in their career. Relationships are everything, especially when it comes to building trust, credibility, expertise and opportunities, so I was super excited to have this conversation with International Association of Women (IAW) Vice President of Marketing and Membership Experience, Megan Bozzuto.

Regardless if you are climbing in your current role or looking for something new, here are 4 key strategies from our interview to help you to be intentional when networking:

  1. Network with others who will believe in you and push you to get uncomfortable.
  2. Ask: What is the end result I want, and what relationships do I need to build to get there?
  3. Give before you receive.
  4. Build or sharpen the necessary skills along the way.

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Want to Put Groundhog Day to Rest?

Want to Put Groundhog Day to Rest?

If days, weeks and even months feel blurred, and overwhelm is a constant companion, you are most certainly not alone. Groundhog Day is an uncomfortable and unsustainable (yet common!) place to be, and it’s not where creativity, productivity, innovative ability or joy live. 

Here are a couple things you can do RIGHT NOW to help go from feeling like you're "spinning", depleted and not in control... to feeling grounded, calm, and on purpose. 

Watch My Video with the Tools to Put Groundhog Day to Rest.

It’s the perfect time to take a little control back. With all that has transpired over the past few months, including the loss of one of the most courageous female leaders and champions of equality, it’s never been a better time to make a 1-degree shift that could create big change for ourselves and for others. 

You see, most of those who have accomplished great feats in history have done so in...

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