Latest Blog Article: Leading in Times of Uncertainty with Stephanie Royal

Spoken Over by Peers or Leadership?


Spoken Over by Peers or Leadership?

Have you ever found yourself as the ‘only’ in the room (or in the Zoom room)? According to the 2021 McKinsey Women in the Workplace Report, the pipeline for women in leadership is losing ground, and the frustration and emotional tax that goes along with feeling like you’re the ‘only’ adds to burn out and the resignation of our future female leaders.

Imagine if you’re a ‘double only’. The only woman AND part of a group that is further marginalized within our gender. The flame of contribution, conscious capitalism, compassion, and invaluable perspective and knowledge is likely extinguished or dimmed even more rapidly. 

Whether you’re an ‘only’ or a ‘double only’, how can your voice be amplified even more for the greater good of our cultures, companies, and the women coming after us?

Let’s start with having a bigger voice at your next meeting or presentation and...

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Podcast Episode #68: "How to Have a Fearless Voice at the Table" - an Interview with Kathryn Sweeney

dei fearless girl voice Dec 08, 2020

How to Have a Fearless Voice at the Table

In case you missed my LIVE interview with the remarkable Kathryn Sweeney (Head of Institutional, Americas and Senior Managing Director, State Street Global Advisors), here are a few of the wisdom gems she shared:

  • Be courageous and make big asks for well-thought out things that are important to you
  • Keep your kids in the loop for big decisions, so they understand the importance
  • If you want to achieve the next level of success, skill up. Old skills will not get you new results
  • Be the one who brings others with you on your journey to success
  • In regards to DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion), there is a great power in grass roots efforts. Just start!

To be notified for future interviews be sure to connect with me here on LinkedIn AND to learn more about how to build the mindset and influence for real change, join our community at #limitlessleader #womenwholead #bHERd #sherylkline...

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YOUR Voice Matters (a Lot!)

bherd now movement voice Jun 30, 2020

YOUR Voice Matters (a Lot!)

First and foremost, how are you doing? We are a community of world-class doers and change agents, but we are also human. Send me an email (I respond to all my emails myself:). Drop me a line, and let me know or just write it down in a journal. If nothing else, it will be a cathartic check-in with yourself. Be honest. No judgement. From here, we can move forward, together.

Let’s talk about YOUR voice for a moment. It matters, A LOT. Whether you consider yourself a world-class performer or not, YOU ARE. Whether you are feeling on your A-Game right now or feeling defeated, depleted and down, I’d like you to think about who needs you to step up right now. If you are able, let's dig deep for him, her, or them. If you are not able right now, know that we care about you, A LOT and we are cheering you on. 

Our cumulative voices add up to a movement that can change the world! Isn’t it time to...

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3 Key Learnings from Women in Cloud Summit 2019

3 Key Learnings from Women in Cloud Summit 2019

(Scroll below to view the video)

I am so excited! I spent all day at the Women in Cloud Summit 2019 at Microsoft, learning from over 1,000 of the country’s top technologists and tech entrepreneurs and doing a book signing for ZONED IN.

Let’s talk about a couple of the things from the book that resonated most with these amazing women and which are important to all of us.

  1. The importance of long-term clarity:
    Not just your one-year goal, but your five-year goals. This has less to do with what tasks will you accomplish and more to do with how you want to be remembered or what legacy you want to create. Once this is dialed in (It can be hard to do, but there is a process to figure it out!), you have the platform to create the reality for yourself, your team or for you family.
  2. Discovering how you want to feel in your days:
    I shared tips, tools and habits how to take control of work-life balance, how to slow down...
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Before You Leave, Have You Joined the Waitlist on My New Book The Fearless Female Leader?

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