As we prepare for the new year, it’s a great time for reflection and introspection. The year 2023 has been a remarkable journey, not just in terms of the challenges we faced but, more importantly, in the lessons we learned and the growth we experienced. This year has been a testament to our strength, adaptability, leadership, and resilience, particularly in the face of unprecedented challenges. It was a year that not only tested us but also highlighted our unique capabilities as women in leadership roles.
These insights have shaped our approach, honed our skills, and prepared us to lead with more conviction and impact. Here are the top five lessons that have been particularly resonant, each shaping our path toward a more empowered and influential future.
As we move forward in this dynamic year, full of twists, turns, opportunities, and challenges, it's not uncommon to find ourselves in the thick of things. We're so often swept into the whirlwind of our immediate tasks and short-term goals that we might lose sight of our broader objectives.
As the year feels like it’s zipping by, you can slow time and take back control to create the triumphs you’d like to see AND how you’d like to feel.
This is the moment to get crystal clear on how you want to wrap up the year, how you want your leadership story to unfold, and what milestones you want to achieve.
There’s a powerful and proven tool that can help you take back control of the remaining weeks in the year and reach your desired destination: Clarity.
Here are 3 key insights from my new enterprise digital journey, Fearless Female Leadership which will be released later in the year. Clarity is where your journey starts, and these should help you to plan a successful...
Time to DE-CIDE On Your Next Best Move?
Now that we are on the backside of 2022, it’s possible that it’s time for a new beginning, a shift, so we can finish the year as strong as possible. Maybe it’s a shift in your morning routine, how much you commit to speaking up, or a big shift in terms of how you lead, where you lead or in what capacity.
Is it time to DE-CIDE?
Phonetically speaking, “de” means “of” and “cide” means, well “death.” When you DE-CIDE, it’s the ‘death of’ any other option. Deciding is a commitment to move forward, even if you are not ready or are scared. If you gut and your heart says it’s a go, then let’s get it!
Oftentimes gaining pure clarity is the hardest part.
Simply put, we have a lot of baggage, past experiences, past influences, and stories we tell ourselves which gets in the way of us taking action.
The good news is that there is a process to get clear, so we...
In case you missed my LIVE interview with the remarkable Nathalie Gauthier (Vice President, Talent Marketplace and DE&I Advocate at State Street), here are a few of the wisdom gems she shared:
To be notified for future interviews be sure to connect with me here on LinkedIn AND to learn more about how to build the mindset and influence for real change, join our community at
Download a transcript of Sheryl's interview with Nathalie Gauthier.
(Please watch the video above, or click the green arrow...
Need Clarity for What's Next? Start Here...
If you feel a bit like you’re spinning, not in control of your days, your voice is not being heard, or you’re just not feeling the joy you want and deserve, you’re not alone. The great news is that there is half the year left to course correct!
Your voice, contribution, and leadership matter, a lot. For you to get the projects, promotions, recognition, and respect you want and deserve, AND in a sustainable way, we’ll need to take a pause. Here is step #1 which includes a few questions to ponder for a mid-year course correction, so you can finish the year strong, and happy!
Warning! These may not be easy :)
Step #1: Take inventory
You are a gift!
A leader who's...
If you’re feeling overwhelmed, not sleeping well, dropping off your routine or your productivity is tanking... the good news is that you’re normal!
The not-so-good news is that you’re allowing your light to be dimmed. (Woo woo translation: your purpose-driven goodness that you are able to put into our family, your company, and into the world is slowing down, and in some cases stopping altogether.)
Maybe you’re feeling stuck?
Not sure about a move to a new role, an internal shift where you’ll challenge your leadership to ‘get on the bus’ with a major initiative, or possibly going after a new board seat?
Purpose-driven clarity is like rocket fuel. It jolts you into action, honoring fear and doubt while not letting them get in the way of your progress.
To help you gain even greater purpose-driven clarity, I’d like to share something crazy I did this month,...
I hope your year is off to a healthy, productive, and impactful start!
What do you love about what you do?
For me, I love being the guide so you, your team, or your colleagues can be the hero. While very aware of the importance of data, it’s not so exciting to me.
There was, however, some notable data that came out of 2021 that (I feel) is important for you to know, so we can learn and improve from it.
First, the "not so good news" uncovered from a pre-coaching assessment that was filled by the 10 female heart-centered leaders I was so honored to have worked with 1:1 in 2021 as well as the facilitations done for their managers and from the virtual speaking events that reached thousands.
I’d like to...
Do you ever get distracted or veer from what’s most important? Maybe you’re too overwhelmed to think about it, or you’re not even clear on what it is anymore! If so, you’re definitely not alone. Maybe it’s time to course-correct and get more strategic about the year you want to have and the impact you’re going to create in 2022…
This has certainly been a year of reflection, and it’s the perfect time to get clear on what matters most to you, how you’d like to achieve it, and how you’d like to feel in the process.
Maybe you’re so busy that you don’t have time to make a shift, or you are not sure where to start. As we wind up the year, here are a couple of things that might help create the impact you want and deserve on your terms.
Consider that goals are not just about your career, such as meeting/exceeding projections, having more influence with leadership,...
If you feel like you’re spinning, not in control of your days, your voice is not being heard, or you’re just not making the progress you want and deserve, we need to chat.
Your voice, contribution and leadership matter, a lot. In order for you to get the projects, promotions, recognition and respect you want and deserve, AND in a sustainable way, we’ll need to take a pause. Here is step #1 which are a few questions to ponder for a mid-year course correction, so you can finish the year strong, and happy.
Warning! These may not be easy.
Step #1: Gain Clarity
You are a gift.
A leader whose authentic, confident and compassionate voice needs to be heard, valued and...
It’s Spring (finally!), and it’s possible that it’s time for a new beginning, a shift. Maybe it’s a shift in your morning routine, how much you commit to speaking up, the intent that you go after a raise, promotion or the recognition that you’re yearning for. Maybe it’s a big shift in terms of how you lead, where you lead or in what capacity.
Is it time to DE-CIDE?
Phonetically speaking, "de" means "of" and "cide" means, well "death." When you DE-CIDE, it’s the death of any other option.
Oftentimes gaining pure clarity is the hardest part.
Simply put, we have a lot of baggage, past experiences, past influences and stories we tell ourselves which gets in the way of our next best move.
The good news is that there is a process to get clear, so we can shift, take action and get back on track to the best version of us as well as feel the joy that comes along with it.
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