Latest Blog Article: The Importance of Women in Our Evolving Workplace - Interview with Katy Conway

Go from "What if" … to "Imagine if" (Transforming Your Fear with the Power of Goal Setting)

Some teams can face change head on and rarely miss a step. For many though, change spurs uncertainty, fear, and distraction.

Most of us simply don’t naturally embrace change.

Change can often feel like a storm at sea, at any moment there is a possibility of being flung overboard, the ship may capsize or when the sea returns to calm, you realize you are not on board.

Staying motivated through change is hard and costly.

It affects productivity, and ultimately, profitability.

Through all my years coaching Olympic athletes, female executives and their teams, time and time again I have seen how my clients have flipped fear on its head and turned it into something they can use to keep on track and stay motivated and highly productive.

Fear and insecurity often hold teams back during times of disruption... but it doesn’t have to.

What Creates Calm and Feeling in Control

When it comes to mastering change, it’s important to feel a sense of agency, and a specific way of world-class...

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Two Ways to Get Clear on What Really Matters in 2022


Two Ways to Get Clear on What Really Matters in 2022

Do you ever get distracted or veer from what’s most important? Maybe you’re too overwhelmed to think about it, or you’re not even clear on what it is anymore! If so, you’re definitely not alone. Maybe it’s time to course-correct and get more strategic about the year you want to have and the impact you’re going to create in 2022…

This has certainly been a year of reflection, and it’s the perfect time to get clear on what matters most to you, how you’d like to achieve it, and how you’d like to feel in the process.

Maybe you’re so busy that you don’t have time to make a shift, or you are not sure where to start. As we wind up the year, here are a couple of things that might help create the impact you want and deserve on your terms.

Consider that goals are not just about your career, such as meeting/exceeding projections, having more influence with leadership,...

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