Many times I give the coaching advice, ‘It’s not about being perfect, it’s about how you respond to adversity and setbacks’.
Recently, I had a unique opportunity to follow my own advice.
I've just wrapped up a whirlwind 5-week trip to the East Coast speaking, seeing East Coast clients, cycling through Maine with family, with a finale being a dream come true: speaking at the United Nations. But as we all know, life has a funny way of throwing curveballs. Due to (understandable) heightened security, the venue changed last minute to NASDAQ. But here's the kicker: I learned some invaluable lessons that I can't wait to share with you.
Give Yourself Permission to Be Disappointed
Let's be real: disappointment stings. I had visualized myself at the UN, sharing my insights and experiences with a room full of global change-makers. When that vision crumbled, I felt a sense of loss. But here's the empowering part: it's absolutely okay to feel...
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