Latest Blog Article: Leading in Times of Uncertainty with Stephanie Royal

How To Develop the Confidence to Live Your Purpose

Do you ever feel purposeless?

We know finding clarity and purpose is difficult, so we’re approaching it from a different angle today: how you can develop the courageous mindset you need to develop purpose, because we believe that anyone can have world-class purpose.

I was recently interviewed by Geoff Woods, Vice President of The ONE Thing podcast and wanted to take a minute to personally share it with you.

In this episode you will learn...

  • What creates the gap between high achievers and everyone else.
  • How you can use positive affirmation to develop a more purposeful mindset.
  • Why you need to practice being purposeful (and how to practice deliberately).
  • Why you need to align yourself with an expert and put an accountability structure in place.
  • How you can commit to progress (instead of perfection).

Here's the link:   

Happy Holidays and happy listening!
- Sheryl -

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3 Steps on How to Be a Warrior When It Matters

(Scroll to the bottom to view the video.)

We may not be preparing for a NBA title or any national stage, but we do have events that are no less important to us. Maybe it’s educational, professional, or personal.

When it’s time to go to battle for something that really matters, there are a couple things you can do to be world-class and deliver.

1.)  Get Clarity on What You Want.
How do you want to perform, or what outcome do you want? For example, I want to place in the Top 3. Or I want to get a certain job or promotion. Clarity is the first step in going after and getting what’s important to you.

2.)  Believe it Will Happen.
In other words, ‘Proceed as if success is inevitable.’ You may have to be an actor or an actress because you may not believe what you want is 100% possible. Did For example, if you believe you can place in the top 3 or get that job promotion, you will start to search out ways to get better. It fuels confidence! Your mindset...

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