Latest Blog Article: The Importance of Women in Our Evolving Workplace - Interview with Katy Conway

The Surprising Power of Constructive Criticism and Partnerships


Many times, to have an even greater impact in our roles, we need to partner with others, especially with our leadership. Having a bigger voice and gaining buy-in from your leadership, especially when there are many competing interests can be tough.

Today, I want to share an exciting sneak peek in my journey—one that shares the transformative power of collaboration and partnerships. It's a story about how I came to join forces with Rali, a remarkable software company that shares my passion for fostering positive change. Through this experience, I have learned the profound importance of collaboration and the potential they hold to unlock limitless possibilities. Join me as I recount the steps that led me to this decision which just may help you as well!

But first, I wanted to share that the Fearless Female Leadership journey was initiated because of some not so easy to swallow constructive criticism. So, the next time you receive constructive criticism (from someone who has your...

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