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Podcast Episode #86: "Developing Talent During Disruptive Times" - an Interview with Lolita Amica

intentional people talent Mar 31, 2021

Developing Talent During Disruptive Times

In case you missed my LIVE interview with the phenomenal Lolita Amica (Director of Talent, Tubi), here are a few of the wisdom gems she shared:

  • Ask not just about business but get to know people, be very intentional and purposeful.
  • Finding out what people really enjoy about the work, what they’ve done and where it is that they’d like to go.
  • It’s important to invest in your people, but also monitoring and knowing how they’re doing.
  • Is the lack of success of employees relative to them in the company? Are there different opportunities in your organization that’s more fitting? 
  • When performance has dropped off in employees use ECO mindset: empathy, curiosity and optimism.

To be notified for future interviews be sure to connect with me here on LinkedIn AND to learn more about how to build the mindset and influence for real change, join our community at


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How to Get Clear on What Really Matters

How to Get Clear on What Really Matters

(Scroll below to view the video)

Do you ever get distracted and veer from what’s most important?

Maybe you’re so busy that you don’t have time to focus on what really matters to have massive impact this year? 

We all do, but there are a couple things that sets the best apart from the rest.

It's time to "course correct"... so you can fully lean into this year.

World-class performers have laser-like focus when it comes to their long-term vision and their short-term progress. Thankfully, there are tools we can all learn, so we can have remarkable clarity and focus too and achieve what may have (at first) seemed not possible.

Here are two tips to get started:

  1. For Long-Term Focus: Create a Personal Manifesto.
    Olympians are remarkably clear about their future ambitions, and they visit them often. They visualize what they want in an extremely vivid and visceral way, and they are consistent about bringing their...
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How to Focus on What Really Matters

How to Focus on What Really Matters

(Scroll below to view the video)

Do you ever get distracted and veer off from what’s most important? Of course, that’s a trick question. We all do, especially this time of year!

You might wonder how world-class performers have laser-like focus when it comes to their long-term vision and their short-term progress. Thankfully, there are tools we can all learn, so we can have remarkable focus too and achieve what may have (at first) seemed not possible.

Here are a couple tips to get started:

  1. For Long-Term Focus: Create a Personal Manifesto
    Olympians are remarkably clear about their future ambitions, and they visit them often. They visualize what they want in an extremely vivid and visceral way, and they are consistent about bringing their future self and their future experiences to life. 

    Here’s a example from my book (ZONED IN: The Mental Toughness Required for a World-Class YOU) that explains this...
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Learn How to Be More Purposeful (3 World-Class Tips)

(Scroll to the bottom to view the video.)

Whether you consider yourself a world-class performer or not, you have a lot in common with those among the elite either professionally, academically or athletically. You may sometimes fall off your purpose or lose it entirely. ‘Is this really what I am meant to do in the long-term?’ ‘What is my purpose or the best way for me to make progress today?’ ‘I need to switch gears, so how do find my (new) purpose?’ Athletes retire or get injured, senior leaders switch careers, academics change fields of interest, so they are not immune either! Lacking clarity on purpose can feel like the middle place, and it doesn’t tend to be too comfortable (at least not in my experience). Partly because we are not making progress towards something where we are making an impact for ourselves and/or for others.

The good news is that we can learn from what world-class performers do a little differently to be more...

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How to Be More Purposeful

(Scroll to the bottom to view the video.)

Whether you consider yourself a world-class performer or not, you have a lot in common with those among the elite either professionally, academically or athletically.

You may sometimes fall off your purpose or lose it entirely. ‘Is this really what I am meant to do in the long-term?’ ‘What is my purpose or the best way for me to make progress today?’ ‘I need to switch gears , so how do find my (new) purpose?’ Athletes retire or get injured, senior leaders switch careers, academics change fields of interest, so they are not immune either! Lacking clarity on purpose can feel like the middle place, and it doesn’t tend to be too comfortable (at least not in my experience). Partly because we are not making progress towards something where we are making an impact for ourselves and/or for others.

The good news is that we can learn from what world-class performers do a little differently to be more...

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