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3 Steps to Courageous Allyship

3 Steps to Courageous Allyship

This article was originally posted on:

Often times growth, progress and change require risk. 

When an Olympic hopeful in equestrian show-jumping decides to play all out, she may decide to cut inside a jump to shave off precious time from the clock rather than choose a safer route to allow more time to get her horse balanced and straight. 

If she plays all out, she takes a big risk. 

Her horse may not be as able to clear the fence therefore taking down a rail and incur 4 or more faults. This would likely knock her out of qualifying for the Olympic team. 

Growing and progressing in her sport will require her to take these types of risks.

The reward? Clearing the jump and proving that her sex, age and experience are good enough to contribute to the Olympic team, therefore creating a ripple effect, inspiring other young riders to work hard and take strategic chances as well. 

Being a courageous ally requires risk as well. 


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YOUR Voice Matters (a Lot!)

bherd now movement voice Jun 30, 2020

YOUR Voice Matters (a Lot!)

First and foremost, how are you doing? We are a community of world-class doers and change agents, but we are also human. Send me an email (I respond to all my emails myself:). Drop me a line, and let me know or just write it down in a journal. If nothing else, it will be a cathartic check-in with yourself. Be honest. No judgement. From here, we can move forward, together.

Let’s talk about YOUR voice for a moment. It matters, A LOT. Whether you consider yourself a world-class performer or not, YOU ARE. Whether you are feeling on your A-Game right now or feeling defeated, depleted and down, I’d like you to think about who needs you to step up right now. If you are able, let's dig deep for him, her, or them. If you are not able right now, know that we care about you, A LOT and we are cheering you on. 

Our cumulative voices add up to a movement that can change the world! Isn’t it time to...

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