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Cultivating an Influential Mindset Through Healthy Habits and Boundaries


You can be successful, and still feel like there is more. More for you to give and contribute, more impact to be made, and more joy to feel from your work.

Is it possible that it may be time to pivot?

There are many ways to successfully pivot, whether internally within your company or your current career, or an external pivot toward something entirely different. This is not typically easy and can require a great deal of personal influence.

Here’s how to get started with an influential mindset reset, coupled with setting healthy habits and boundaries:

1. Believe in Yourself

Your ideas, your worth, and your contribution are valuable. If you don’t believe you are worthy of influence in a new and often unfamiliar role, it’s unlikely you’ll be able to influence others. The voice that we should pay attention to the most is our own, even when it is a negative voice. So a great place to start is with strong positive daily affirmations. For example, "I take consistent...

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3 Steps to Build the Influence You Want and Deserve


There is a misconception about influence that it is reserved for the elite few or for those in positions of authority.

We all have ideas, feelings and wisdom that deserve to be heard AND that may have a profound impact on others. I almost look at it as an obligation. Whether you feel like you are influential or not, you can learn to become more influential, and it starts with gaining an influential mindset.

Keep in mind that you believe what you consistently tell yourself, so use your internal voice wisely! You may have to be an actor or actress in the beginning.

I DON'T mean "fake it until you MAKE it."

I DO mean, "fake it until you BECOME it."

The first step to gaining the influence at work OR at home, is to believe that what you desire is possible.

Fortunately, there's a great tool you can use to do just that! It's a positive affirmations app that myself and my 1:1 clients use called ThinkUp. Used...

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2018 Hack: Get Accountable Now!

(Scroll to the bottom to view the video.)

November is the new January! What I mean is, November is when to lay the foundation to have the best year ever. I am not talking about resolutions.

I am talking about forming world-class habits, so you can set yourself up for being your best in 2018. Whether it’s getting fit, earning a promotion or forming better relationships with your colleagues or family, there is one way that WILL help you move the needle now, so you can be off to the races by January:

Get Accountable!

Here are a few tips to get started that are backed by the research of Dr. Anders Ericsson, author of Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise

  1. Find a Teacher/Coach to Be Accountable to:
    Preferably one who is an expert in whatever you would like to do. Making significant progress beyond a certain level of competency requires knowledge beyond what we can provide to ourselves. To use this (very important!) person effectively, be sure to be ready...
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One Secret to Next-Level What Matters Most

(Scroll to the bottom to view the video.)

Growing up, no one told me that life can be hard sometimes.

Raising kids, growing a business, running a marathon, and contributing to the community can be incredibly rewarding. And hard.

We can learn a lot from world-class performers. They dream big, do small often and consistently, and they fail (a lot). Are Olympians, accomplished musicians, senior leaders, and those who are starting movements to make the world a better place equipped with super powers, an abnormally high IQ (well, some are but not a prerequisite) or an extra "success" chromosome?

According to Angela Duckworth, the author of Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance, the answer is "no." In order to be world-class at what’s most important to us, we must commit to attempting what’s hard for us. We must be intentional about pushing ourselves to do things that are difficult and then stick with it for a specific amount of time.

If you want to get better at...

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1 Secret for You to Accelerate Forming a New Habit

accountable habits Jul 05, 2017

(Scroll to the bottom to view the video.)

Forming new habits take time (Dr. Phillippa Lally's famous study out of the University College London noted on average, it takes 66 days before a new behavior becomes automatic). But, the awesome news that there is something you can do to form habits quicker and feel good about your progress. Whether it's for exercise or it's for doing something at work or forming a new productivity habit, it's super important to be accountable.

I have a guest today who is a fantastic accountability partner and incredibly important to me in forming new habits. Kona is a 3 year-old American Labrador Retriever, and she is my accountability partner to go running four days a week. I don't want to say she's annoying. Let's just say that she's persistent! Whether it's for exercise or it's for something at work (for example you need to practice for a big presentation coming up in a few weeks) it’s super important to have an accountability partner.

There's a...

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