Latest Blog Article: Leading in Times of Uncertainty with Stephanie Royal

Do This Before You Try to Influence


When my daughter was a teenager, it seemed like every conversation ended in an argument. I could not say anything right! It was so frustrating for both of us.

Have you ever had an important conversation, either with family or with a colleague, and it just goes horribly wrong?

I have recently read Charles Duhigg's book, ‘Super Communicators’, and there are a few key take-aways that I found very interesting and incredibly important when preparing to have a crucial conversation. 

One thing that jumped out at me was the importance of understanding others' needs before engaging in conversations, whether in professional settings or family dynamics. 

Recognizing whether someone needs data, emotional support, or simply a listening ear can enhance communication whether this is in personal relationships, or at work.

Do they need a hug or empathy? Do they need an answer? Do they need data facts? Do they just need to be heard and listened to?

Approaching conversations with...

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