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Beyond KPIā€™s: How to Ensure Women are Heard and Valued

Sheryl Kline M.A. CHPC: Fearless Female Leadership
Beyond KPIā€™s: How to Ensure Women are Heard and Valued

Christine Kiefer, Senior Vice President at Experis/Manpower Group, embodies the qualities of adaptability, inclusive leadership, and dedication to excellence.

In this interview, Christine dives into the challenges she has encountered, the transformative moments that have shaped her remarkable career, and the profound importance of fostering diversity within organizations.


KPIs Don’t Always Reflect Satisfaction: KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) may show success on paper, but they don’t necessarily reflect client or employee satisfaction. Sometimes, despite meeting KPIs, clients may not feel they are receiving the expected value. (Timestamp: 16:05)

Importance of Sponsorship for Women: Sponsorship, which actively supports and promotes individuals, is crucial for women’s career advancement. Having a mentor is not the same as having a sponsor, and many women feel they lack sponsorship opportunities. (Timestamp: 19:07)

Benefits of Diverse Leadership:...

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Want More Influence with Your Leadership and/or Board?


Have you ever wondered what it’s like to negotiate when lives are on the line, in deadly hostage stand-offs, with ISIS, or with an armed man with sniper weapons on the National Mall in Washington DC? Sounds terrifying, highly emotional, and exhausting, right?

Grant it that negotiations with your leadership and/or board may not be life or death, but they can be no less exhausting or frustrating when you’re not heard, valued, and respected for your ideas and initiatives.

I’ll be joining FBI and NYPD International Hostage Negotiator Chris Voss again (the first training was in October 2022 in NYC), so I can help you stand in your power even more for yourself, your company, and those leaders coming after you.

As we know all too well when women are not heard or don’t have a big enough voice at the table, it’s costly.

Consider that productivity has taken its biggest dip since 1947, and it’s costing U.S. companies north of 600 billion dollars a year,...

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Podcast Episode #101: "Strategies for Building Confidence in Your New Role" - an Interview with Dena Jones


Strategies for Building Confidence in Your New Role

In case you missed my LIVE interview with the phenomenal Dena Jones (Vice President, Office of the CIO at Fannie Mae), here are a few of the wisdom gems she shared:  

  • You don’t need to check all the boxes, a couple of the boxes are fine... and you need to go for it
  • Take more risks
  • Realize you don't have to do it on your own
  • Build a network of people around you that can support you and guide you. Have mentors and sponsors
  • Always seek to learn more and grow. That never stops. It’s not like you get to a place and say "okay, I’m here and I don’t need to learn anymore"
  • Listen to each other. Listen to different perspectives
  • Do something transformational
  • Verbalize what you’re good at
  • If you feel too comfortable, it’s time to reassess what you're doing
  • Always articulate what you want

To be notified for future interviews be sure to connect with me here on LinkedIn AND to learn more about how...

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Podcast Episode #58: "Driving Change Through Real Customer Connection" - an Interview with Laurie Dewan

Driving Change Through Real Customer Connection

I was super excited to have this wonderful conversation with Healthline Media's Vice President of Consumer Insights, Laurie Dewan. 

Here are the highlights from our amazing chat:

  1. Higher need to intentionally leverage informal and formal networks
  2. Set goals and make a habit of doing this consistently
  3. Epic quote by Laurie (and Marianne Williamson:) 'The World is Not Served by You Playing Small'
  4. There is a great power in careful listening and stories to drive innovation and organizational change
  5. Let yourself be emotionally impacted by your customer stories
  6. Healthline is committed to providing research and resources for racism and inequality in healthcare as well as managing mental illness in the workplace

To be notified for future interviews be sure to connect with me here on LinkedIn AND to learn more about how to build the mindset and influence for real change, join our community at

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The Impact of Full Presence (May Surprise You!)

listening presence Jan 30, 2020

The Impact of Full Presence (May Surprise You!)

On a scale of 1-10...

... how do you rate yourself on how present you are with those who matter the most?

Despite running hard at their dreams, high performers are remarkably present, especially with those who matter the most. Let’s not wait until tragedy strikes until we realize we should be more present... or worse yet, to lose the opportunity to be present and then have to live with that regret.

Here are a couple ways to take your presence to the next level, so you can make others feel seen, heard and cared for:

  1. Put down everything you are doing, and look into their eyes
  2. Be explicit and tell the person "I really want to hear you"
  3. Hug the person or say goodbye like you may never see them again. 

Full presence elicits emotions in others that helps them feel safe, heard and cared for. It will in turn help you to be congruent with who you are and how you’d like to be remembered. 

We are all busy chasing...

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