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Quick Guide to Gaining World-Class Clarity (Take the "Get to Know Yourself" Questionnaire)

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Lack of clarity is the death of productivity AND joy.

I’ve seen it personally (... yes, I admit it!), and I’ve seen it in countless individuals and organizations. Whether it’s clarity on any given day, for a project or for a long-term mission, clarity is more important than you may even realize.

See, what we think and what we say to ourselves over and over again... we tend to believe. Take it even a step further. These thoughts and comments we make to ourselves (our internal dialogue) can manifest in our actions and eventually in the life we create for ourselves.

Clarity is the starting line for our best and most joyous selves.

Our ship needs to know where to sail, and we must believe the destination is not too remote. We must also know WHY we care so deeply... really why.

Leroy Dixon is a 2x Olympian and gold medalist in track and field. In a recent interview, I was surprised to learn, Dixon doesn’t even like track...

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3 Tips to Use Negative Emotions as a Superpower

(Scroll to the bottom to view the video.)

Do you ever feel like negative thoughts and emotions are holding you back?

Emotions are no joke when it comes to us being able to be our best, especially in moments that matter most. Everyone experiences negative emotions from time to time! 

I want to help you use negative emotions as a superpower!

There are a couple things that world-class performers do a little differently which helps them to use emotions (even the negative ones!) to their advantage. In this week's video you'll learn:

1.) The (very) basic science behind why managing emotions is SO important, and what this means to you

2.) The consequences of not having a game plan to deal with negative emotions

3.) The 3 simple steps you can start doing today to help you go from rattled to ready

I am here to support you every step along the way, so let’s do this!

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One World-Class Tool to Crush Negative Thoughts and Excuses

(Scroll to the bottom to view the video.)

Negative self-talk crushes confidence. Period.

One rabbit hole you don’t want to go down if you have an ambition that’s important to you.

If you want to crush negative thoughts AND excuses and then get busy with progress, here’s what you need to start practicing today: positive re-framing.

What is it?

A way of acknowledging the struggle you're having and then use it to your advantage.

How does it work?

It activates your RAS or your reticular activating system which is a part of your brain that controls and serves as a filter of sorts that only lets the important information through. Thinking about buying a certain type of new car and then that’s all you see on the road? That’s your RAS filtering out all the other cars that don’t matter to you.

Why is this important?

If you over emphasize negative thoughts and make excuses, that is what your RAS will think is important. Guess what? Negative thoughts will...

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