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Podcast Episode #117: "Delivering Tough Feedback Effectively Across Organizations" - an Interview with Brenda Hudson


Delivering Tough Feedback Effectively Across Organizations

In case you missed my LIVE interview with the phenomenal Brenda Hudson (Senior Vice President Commercial Sales, Sales Enablement, Learning and Development at Insight), here are a few of the wisdom gems she shared:  

  • Tuck away all the behaviors you’ve experienced that will not exhibit.
  • Have grace, honesty, clarity, and compassion.
  • Be sure to share ‘why’ you’re sharing the feedback you are.
  • Exhibit gratitude for the recipient of the conversation.
  • An inability to build trust will restrict your elevation in your career and in life.
  • Listen, be authentic, and align your actions with your words to build that trust.
  • Don’t be afraid to speak up and go against the grain when it’s a win/win/win for the other person, you, and your company.

To be notified for future interviews be sure to connect with me here on LinkedIn AND to learn more about how to build the mindset and ...

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Sharing an Attitude of Gratitude / Special Announcement

gratitude Nov 24, 2021

Sharing an Attitude of Gratitude / Special Announcement

I hope the upcoming holiday will be a safe and joyous time for you and your loved ones. Just a reminder (I remind myself often too!), even in challenging times, we all have things to be grateful for, be they big or small. Focusing on our gratitude helps keep our stress levels lower and makes our celebrations even more special!

Grateful for YOU!
I’d like to express how deeply grateful I am for YOU and my Limitless Leader community! You have something SO special and unique placed within you, and it’s a real honor to provide content, tools, and resources to help you access what is already there!

It’s my sincere hope you will rest well over the holidays, so your reverence, hope and action for 2022 will be epic.

“One person can change the world.”
- Rosa Parks

Your voice is needed now more than ever, and I truly believe that one person CAN change the world. Can you imagine what we can do collectively?!


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Are You At An Ambition Checkpoint?

"Are You At An Ambition Checkpoint?"

I had a conversation with one of my oldest and dearest friends recently that at first struck me as odd. She asked, "Do you ever feel like a plastic bag, drifting through the wind wanting to start again...?" I recognized that was the opening lyrics to Katy Perry’s song Firework. She was off. Not her present, fun, happy, and courageous self. It was strange, because she’s so accomplished. She had raised happy, productive, and conscientious kids. She worked doing what she loved. She had a few half-marathons under her belt, and she had a loving family and friends. After many conversations, I finally understood.

She was at an ambition checkpoint.

Her kids needed her less, and she felt like there was more of her to give to her career. More people to serve and a legacy to create. It was inaction that made her feel she was off-purpose... like a plastic bag drifting through the wind. She was being blown around by her days, by her old routine,...

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