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Building Your Authentic Brand - an Interview with Cheryl Cook


In case you missed my interview with the incredible Cheryl Cook, Senior Vice President at Dell Technology, here are some key takeaways, or you can watch the entire interview above:

  • Embracing Challenges and Risks: Moving across the country at 21, Cheryl’s career is a testament to the growth that comes from stepping out of one’s comfort zone and embracing new challenges.
  • Navigating the Zigzag Path to Success: Her path to becoming a Senior Vice President was a series of opportunities and lessons, highlighting the importance of being open to new experiences.
  • Courage Over Fear: A key element in Cheryl’s success has been recognizing fear and choosing to move forward regardless, a trait essential for effective leadership.
  • Authenticity in Personal Branding: Cheryl stresses the importance of authenticity in building trust and credibility, crucial for establishing strong professional relationships.
  • Trusting Your Instincts: Cheryl advises trusting your gut, especially when...
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Gavriella Schuster Interviews Me About Strategies to Navigate Career Crossroads


As female leaders, we often find ourselves at life's crossroads, where the roads of impact and bold decision-making intersect. This was exactly the focus when Gavriella Schuster, former VP One Commercial Partner at Microsoft and equality advocate, interviewed me.

Gavriella expressed a sentiment many of us feel at crucial career junctures – the wish for a process to guide her.  If you’re thinking about gaining clarity on ‘what’s next’, it’s my sincere hope that you’ll find our conversation helpful.

Key Takeaways:

Embracing the Normalcy of Transition: Gavriella’s story at Microsoft is a powerful reminder that feeling uncertain about major career moves is normal. It's a sign that you’re ready to explore new horizons. 

The Importance of a Guided Process: Reflecting on her own experiences, Gavriella wished for a structured approach like the Fearless Female Leadership Journey. Such a framework can provide clarity and...

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Mental Preparation Prior to Influencing Under Pressure

curiosity empathy optimism Jan 17, 2024

Navigating high-pressure situations in the corporate world demands more than just skill - it requires mastery in the art of influence. As leaders, especially women leaders, it’s essential to communicate with clarity and impact.

Introducing the "ECO" Mindset Model – a transformative approach to influencing under pressure:

"E"mpathy: Step into their shoes. Understand their pressures and motivations.
"C"uriosity: Cultivate genuine interest in their perspective, wrapped in compassion.
"O"ptimism: Envision the best outcome. Let positivity guide your decisions.

Interested in refining your influence skills or seeking guidance on your leadership journey? I’m here to support and guide you. Feel free to send me a message for insights on leadership and influence – let’s elevate your leadership together.

Enjoy the video, or you can listen in on my podcast here.

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Building Work Life Integration - an Interview with Michelle Ragusa-McBain

work-life Jan 09, 2024

If you have not met Michelle Ragusa-McBain, this will be your chance to get up close with a distinguished and influential female leader in the global technology channel, a relationship-builder extraordinaire, and an all-around fun and compassionate human being! Michelle's journey, marked by resilience and determination, has been nothing short of remarkable. From her family's immigration to the United States to her groundbreaking achievement as the first in her family to attend college and earn an MBA, her story is a testament to the power of unwavering commitment.

In this conversation, Michelle dives into the intricacies of her career path, being a mother, and emphasizing the importance of adaptability and the pursuit of purpose in the tech industry. Her wisdom transcends her own experiences, offering invaluable guidance for those seeking to leave their mark in the world of technology.

Here are the key takeaways from the interview:

The Power of Resilience (00:01:31): Michele's...

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What it Takes to Achieve ‘What’s Next’ (Part 3): Achieve

achieve agile metrics Jan 03, 2024

You've dreamed it, you've planned (or envisioned) it, and now it's time to just do it! Execution is where the rubber meets the road. It's the culmination of your vision and planning. But remember, achieving a dream is a marathon, not a spring. Consistency, discipline, and accountability are your best allies… And I’m here to help!

Here are 4 things to keep in mind when setting out to achieve your dream, your next level of impact, and your Olympics!

Metrics Matter: Track AND Celebrate Your Progress
I’m not a data girl, however, I’ve experienced the challenges of not doing this as well as the triumphs when I’m consistent. It's not enough to rely on gut feelings or anecdotal evidence. Utilize Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that are directly aligned with your goals. This data-driven approach will not only keep you accountable but also offer actionable insights. It allows you to make informed decisions, optimizing your strategies for better outcomes.


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Top 5 Lessons Learned in 2023: A Year of Empowerment for Female Leaders


As we prepare for the new year, it’s a great time for reflection and introspection. The year 2023 has been a remarkable journey, not just in terms of the challenges we faced but, more importantly, in the lessons we learned and the growth we experienced. This year has been a testament to our strength, adaptability, leadership, and resilience, particularly in the face of unprecedented challenges. It was a year that not only tested us but also highlighted our unique capabilities as women in leadership roles.

These insights have shaped our approach, honed our skills, and prepared us to lead with more conviction and impact. Here are the top five lessons that have been particularly resonant, each shaping our path toward a more empowered and influential future.

  • Embrace the Power of Dreams and Vision: This year has underscored the importance of dreaming big and aligning those dreams with our values and vision. As female leaders, we’ve seen the power of visualization and...
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Stop Being Hysterical and Slow Down - an Interview with Laura Guio


It was such an honor to spend time with Laura Guio, a powerful and influential leader with a 30-year career at IBM. Laura joined us from Copenhagen, Denmark to share her journey, filled with invaluable lessons, challenges, and the wisdom she gained along the way. 

Laura dives into the nuances of building a successful career, the importance of adaptability, and the art of maintaining a strong personal brand. Her insights are not just reflections of her professional journey but also serve as guiding principles for anyone looking to make their mark in their career.


Embrace Continuous Learning and Role Versatility (02:15): Success often comes from the willingness to learn and adapt. Taking on various roles to understand different aspects of a business can be more beneficial than excelling in just one area. Being versatile and competent across multiple domains often outweighs being a specialist in a single field.

Cultivate a Strong Personal Brand...

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What it Takes to Achieve ‘What’s Next’ (Part 2): Plan


In the first part of this series, we looked into the importance of dreaming as the first step towards achieving your next big thing. Now, let’s talk about the second crucial step: Planning! Planning is where your dream starts to take shape, where you map out the route to your destination. Let’s get into it.

Strategic Planning is Your Blueprint
Strategic planning goes beyond a simple to-do list; it serves as an intricate blueprint that brings your dream into focus. A meticulously crafted plan acts as your navigational chart, steering you through both challenges and opportunities with unwavering clarity and purpose.

Prioritize and Sequence
In the planning phase, you’ll likely have a multitude of tasks and objectives. The key is to prioritize them based on their impact and sequence them in a logical, effective order. This ensures you’re not just busy, but productive. It allows you to allocate your resources—time, energy, and capital—where they will...

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Get Ahead by Giving: An Interview with Lynne Thornton, SVP Channel Acceleration at JSG

giving Nov 29, 2023

Lynne Thornton, SVP Channel Acceleration at JSG, is a seasoned professional known for her insights into career growth and networking strategies. In this conversation, she shares valuable advice on building meaningful connections and amazing wisdom on how to advance your career. Lynne emphasizes the power of networking with a giving approach, the influence of suggestion, and the importance of leaning into your adaptable skills.


Networking with a Giving Approach (03:22):
Lynne Thornton emphasizes the significance of networking, highlighting that the act of giving within professional circles can lead to unexpected opportunities and collaborations.

Power of Suggestion (06:43):
Explore the “power of suggestion” as a valuable tool, encouraging individuals to clearly communicate their career goals and intentions to create opportunities.

Skills are Transferable (11:19):
Recognize that skills are transferable across different roles and industries, promoting...

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What it Takes to Achieve ‘What’s Next’ (Part 1): Dream

dreaming Nov 15, 2023

As we navigate Q4 of 2023, and we’re focused on ‘hitting the number’, it’s a great time to take a step back and focus on the first pivotal step to achieving ‘what’s next’: Dreaming.

  • Dreams as Drivers: Your gut and your heart are very wise, but we’re often too busy, anxious, or distracted to hear the wisdom of our internal compass. It may be time to slow down before you can speed up.
  • No Limits: Aim high and boldly; stretch your imagination beyond your current circumstances. The world is in desperate need of courageous heart-centered leaders who are ready to feel what’s next, and go all in.
  • Personalized Dreams: Your dreams are uniquely yours, reflecting your values, priorities, and vision. Take the time to slow down and right the ship if you feel a bit off course or if your pace is not sustainable.
  • Dynamic Nature of Dreams: Keep your dreams active and dynamic, updating them to align with your growth and with your highest sense of...
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