Latest Blog Article: The Importance of Women in Our Evolving Workplace - Interview with Katy Conway

How to GAIN CLARITY for Your Next Big Move

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Sometimes our dreams and aspirations are a little mismatched with our efforts.

Full transparency... I was called out on this one by my mentor this past January. Don’t get me wrong I was working hard and extremely busy. There was something missing when it came to how I was approaching my next level of success. I had next-leveled my ambitions, but how I spent my time was the same. My ambitions were not aligned with the next level of success I wanted (and knew I deserved.) This worked for a while, but the next level would require me to "go pro."

Once I made the necessary adjustments and fine-tuned some key habits, that’s when the next level was attainable.

We’ve talked about where you fall on the ladder. But what are your current circumstances now, and what level of commitment are you willing to have?

  • Pro: You are actively taking action to become the person you want to be, and you are remarkably...
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