Sue (not her real name:) is a senior executive who is responsible for cultivating and maintaining relationships that are worth hundreds of millions of dollars. She had an extraordinary year, growing this number significantly even during the extreme disruption that 2020 brought. What was shocking was her response to me acknowledging her unprecedented success…‘It’s not that big of a deal.’
What? It was a HUGE deal, for her, for her team, and for her company. She didn’t want to brag or take too much credit. Of course, this is understandable. How we were raised, our culture, or experiences up to this point, can have a lot to do with how (or if) we speak up, especially when it comes to communicating our impact.
Here are two key reasons why it may be time for you to communicate your impact more boldly.
1.) You May Limit Yourself
... for future opportunities to advance yourself or to help others.
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