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3 Secrets to Use Disruption as a Superpower (Mentally and Strategically)

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We all face the threat of someone or something disrupting our status quo. The mere thought of disruption can be paralyzing or it can be a secret weapon. With the proper mindset and tools, you (or your team) can take control to use disruption as a superpower.

I had the opportunity to catch up with Michael Alf of the Disciplined Disruption Podcast. Here are a few of Michael’s rules to be proactive surrounding disruption, so you can capitalize on an uncertain situation. In future episodes, I will talk about the mindset and planning required to execute these amazing tips:

  1. Developing the proper mindset is a vital component when it comes to planning for disruption. One of the biggest challenges as businesses, industries and roles are changing is: ‘How do I expand my tool belt to be as prepared as possible?’ The answer to this question starts with being confident in what’s possible and having the mindset to make...
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