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Podcast Episode #114: "The Great Renegotiation for Women in the Workplace" - an Interview with Deanna Ransom


The Great Renegotiation for Women in the Workplace

In case you missed my LIVE interview with the remarkable Deanna Ransom (President and Executive Director of Women in Revenue), here are a few of the wisdom gems she shared:  

  • If you take action, how to do it can come to you as you're in motion. 
  • Do not allow a setback to become the final piece of your story.
  • Reach out for help sooner rather than later. 
  • If you support a woman, you support the world. 
  • Don't fear failure. It's part of the learning process.

To be notified for future interviews be sure to connect with me here on LinkedIn AND to learn more about how to build the mindset and influence for real change, join our community at

Download a transcript of Sheryl's interview with Deanna Ransom.

(Please watch the video above, or begin listening to the Podcast.)

To your next level of impact and joy!


P.s. Whenever you’re ready... here are...

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Podcast Episode #42 - "Power of Community for Women to Advance in the Workplace" - An Interview with Kristy Wallace

community workplace Mar 12, 2020

Power of Community for Women to Advance in the Workplace

Kristy Wallace is the CEO of Ellevate Network, one of the world's largest communities of professional women. In this interview, Kristy and Sheryl talk about how Ellevate enables women to be active participants in the workplace and beyond... not just in our own success but in the success of others.

Here Are a Couple of the Main Take-Aways:

  1. Gender equality does not fall into two buckets. Equal access to opportunity within our 'women' bucket has a long way to go. Depending on your race and identity, some likely face barriers that others do not. 
  2. Be an active participant in others success, daily. This can be as simple as giving someone a shout out online, making a phone call, diversifying your meeting or even just acknowledging someone.
  3. Be proactive about asking 'How can I help?' We can take this a step further and offer up some specific help. For example, 'You have a big presentation coming up. Would it...
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